Police: Arsenal found in Danbury teen's truck


New member
I wanted to reopen the thread cause I wanted to see some discussion.


Huizinga was charged with possession of a large-capacity firearm, possession of a firearm, seven counts of possession of a high-capacity feeding device, unlawful possession of ammunition, and possession of a dangerous weapon.

Are the laws in that state so restrictive that one can "unlawfully possess ammunition"?

How can he be charged with possession of a dangerous weapon? How can he be charged with "Possession of a firearm? It's the constitutional right to possess such weapons. Maybe with the ammunition and the firearm in the same location, that's where they can charge him.

So, a rifle case in the backseat and a little eradic driving is grounds to search your vehicle. Also, I've never seen a large capacity firearm before either. I thought California was the only state that had magazine restrictions.

How can he be charged with possession of a dangerous weapon?

Brass Knuckles

How can he be charged with "Possession of a firearm?

He was in possession of the firearms and evidently it was a foul of the law.

I'm not sure on the rest, but I thought it was common knowledge that Mass had very restrictive gun laws.

Another thing, why does an 18 year old need a bullet resistant vest?

Look I'm on the gun owners side in most all cases and I think you should be able to carry your weapons and own a bullet resistant vest if you want to. However you must obey the law or risk the consequences.
In Massachusetts it is a felony to possess so much as a single round of spent brass without a FOID, or whatever they call their ridiculous little permit thingies.

Also, they have a state-level AWB and various other silly laws.

The unofficial state motto is "Massachusetts: Live free or here!"

From the article:
"He's 18 years old and he did something stupid," she said. "He's never been in trouble of any kind before. He's never even had a parking ticket. Hopefully, this will teach him a lesson."
Ma'am, it's not just going to teach him a lesson, it's going to make him a felon. He will never be able to own a gun, vote, or get a decent job. Remember that every November when you vote for Mitt Romney or whatever other sleazeballs y'all have up there.
The trooper ordered him out of the truck and patted him down -- which turned up several rounds of ammunition, including a .50 caliber rifle bullet, and a knife, police said.
What was he going to do with the .50BMG round, Mr. Reporter? Throw it at somebody? Maybe take down an airliner by hurling it into the sky?
He could also face federal charges because he allegedly transported the weapons across state lines.
No, Mr. Reporter. While I know this stuff causes you people in the press to fill your skivvies, nothing he did was actually against any federal law.
It appears from the photo that the 50BMG round has a lanyard or chain through the case...much like a key chain or necklace ornament.

And the "night scope" on the AR looks like a red dot or an Aimpoint.....

And, oh, btw, does an AR come with anything other than a pistol grip?