Point-shooting for CAS


New member
I'm fairly good at point-shooting with a rifle, but never tried with pistols. I'm also interested in getting into some sort of Cowboy Action Shooting. I would probably use a pair of 1851 Navies but I don't care for the sights. Do any of you practice point-shooting with your revolvers? How successful are you and what do you do to practice? I can't put any lead downrange at the moment but once I can I certainly don't mind a lot of practicing :D
Occasionally to rarely, a CAS stage will REQUIRE point or hip shooting.
Otherwise the general rule is that winners aim. They aim fast and coarse, but they use the sights.
You don't HAVE to use the sights, it's all about fun anyhow.
When I started in CAS a year or two ago, I thought that I could compete by point shooting with my pistols. I ended up taking too many misses and went to using the sights. I shoot duelist (one handed shooting category) and if you want to be competitive, you just can't afford to miss that often.

I shoot a pair of 1851 RM Conversions and love the brass post front sight. It points very well (as most say about the '51's) and that brass post just jumps out at me when I'm trying to take quick, but effective aim.

Best advice on getting into CAS/SASS is to go out to a local shoot. The folks will let you shoot their stuff, so you can find out what YOU like. That way, when you put out the gold dust, it won't be wasted on something that you end up not liking.

T6 a/k/a Chick
In CAS shooting, your time is your score and each miss adds a 5 second penalty to the clock. Time five seconds with a stopwatch and see just how long 5 seconds really is, one mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi, four mississippi, five mississippi, you get the idea? It really pays to take the time to hit those targets
You can't miss fast enough to win a CAS match.
I had a pretty good compeditor tell me that the targets were so close that he just used the front sight, and hit them well! From his scores I can only guess that his trick was credible or he was a heck of a good point shooter.
I have tried hip shooting and it's a lot harder than it looks! Point shooting is just a matter of forming a triangle to your stance and doing the same thing EVERY time! Again harder than it looks!
Pratice and repitition is the key.
I've been shooting SASS since 1997. I look across my sights making sure to see the front sight on target. I've won some matches and if I have more than 2 misses a match I feel I've shot poorly. Shoot slowly at first working on hitting the target, as you begin to feel your shooting well enough then begin to speed up. That's what worked for me.

Shotgun Franklin
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