point and hip shooting with the shield


New member
I put this up over on Defensive Carry and got a pretty good discussion going with it so I thought I would get y'alls thoughts and opinions also, last sunday I put up a target walked out to my 10 yard stake and started hip shooting just to see if I could hit the target. This was done doing a draw and double tap and repeat from the waist from my hybrid IWB from under a cover shirt, fired 20 rounds, 2 hit nothing but air, 3 in the white above the right shoulder, the other 15 are in the green but are scattered around pretty good, this was the first time i tried this at 10 yards so I was not unhappy with the outcome

now this got some to foaming at the mouth about how you should never point shoot from more than 5 yards away to others just being impressed that I could hit a target from 30 feet while not even seeing my gun and others complaining about about the spread so i moved i to 5 yards, patched up the green dude and got serious. This is still all draw, double tap and repeat from concealment at 5 yards. I fired 3x from the hip with the 8 as my focus point, putting 4 rounds in the upper torso and 2 in the neck, then I shifted to point shooting( draw,come to center body, support hand on the gun) with the 2" mini dot in the 9 ring as my focus, worked through 2 mags threw one low getting on the trigger to quick and one pretty high some how.

I am putting those out there for your opinions and asking how many of you practice point and hip shooting on a normal basis. feel free to post your own results also
That's pretty good hip shooting.
I don't see the advantage of it, though, so have never really practiced it much.
It only takes a split second more to bring the gun up.
So I figure the slightly extra time is made up for with better accuracy.
I do practice point shooting - a lot.
No telling when one can get into a situation and not be able to see the sights.
Some years back this point was carfully tested .They found that while it takes a small amount of extra time to use the sights , the hit probability DOUBLES !
Always focus on the front sight [ not the rear sight or target]! That's the way to hit the target.
A better drill would probably be first shot from the hip on the way to a properly aimed shot. Any hit will get their attention. The well placed shot will finish it.