Pocket dirt


New member
I know with pocket carry, dirt and lint must be cleaned from your gun somewhat frequently. But what about speed strips? Does dirt and pocket lint do anything to the rounds when they're stored in your pocket? Do you have to clean your ammo and speed strips, and if so, is a quick wipe with a rag sufficient? Sorry for the newbie question, but that's what us newbies do.:D

I just shake the lint off of my speed stripped rounds.

A problem I did run across this summer though highlighted the need for more maintenance on my S&W 642. When commuting on my bicycle (somewhere around 40 miles a day, three to four times a week) it would stay in my jersey pocket in a DeSantis pocket holster. After a month of this treatment, I was dry firing one night and the trigger would not reset. Somehow the mixture of heat and sweat had turned the lithium grease on the internals to sludge, required a very in depth cleaning, and now I check it daily and clean it once a week during the riding season.
Well, let's see. I carry a Model 38 in pocket every day. Every day. Once a month or so I unload it and blow it out with compressed air. Lint is never a problem. Goes bang every time.

Don't overthink these things. You do wash your jeans occasionally, right? Your pockets aren't that dirty.
Surprising Topic

I know pocket lint quite well. I have a J-frame in a pocket holster. Every so often I unload and use a soft brush. It really does accumulate and it certainly can be a valid concern. I can't say it would cause any trouble, but there's enough of it to fill the little gaps between the small moving parts. Apart from the brush I have a small air compressor to use as well. A couple shots clear out what the brush can't reach.
I carry a 340PD daily with a speed strip in my back pocket. I do the normal cleaning of my gun after I shoot, but every once in a while I blow out my pocket holster and gun with my air compressor to remove dust and lint. I'm not worried about moisture because my gun is a 340PD (aluminum, scandium, titanium, and a little stainless barrel liner). I have carried a speed strip in my back pocket for long periods of time with no effect on the bullets.
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Yes, if you plan to carry or store any concealed weapons, holsters or spare rounds you're going to need to check/clean them from time to time. :rolleyes:
I'd suggest changes to your carry ammunition every 3/4 months. It's not a mandate but it's a good idea to carry factory fresh, high quality rounds.
Dirt, grit, lint, etc can cause a jam or misfire. :(
It's a smart idea to do a "function check"(a US military term) before you carry/conceal any weapon. You'd want to know a magazine or speed loader is broken at home, not in the middle of a gunfight, :eek: .
Cleaning or checking holsters/gear is smart too. I use Turtle Wax's X21 or Ballistol on most of my holsters & gun gear.
