Poachers and trespassers

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You mean other than moats, mantraps, deadfalls, and poisonous reptiles?

All you can do is call authorities to deal with them. Get neighbors to watch.
Not any one thing, rather a multi-layered approach. We use signage and cameras around entire property to let would be trespassers know they are being watched. We work with adjoining neighbors to keep gates locked and watch each others property. Pictures of anyone caught on camera is then forwarded to the Sheriffs department. We also use old broken trail cams and dummy cameras intermixed with live cameras. Keeps them guessing.


Any suggestions on keeping them out besides posting the land and locking gates
I am assuming this is on hunting/recreational land. As others have mentioned, gate(s), trail cams and good neighbors are about all you can do. I am lucky where our land is. End of a dead end. 2 locked gates to get through and 1 full time resident on the main main road that pays very close attention to those coming and going. So far so good!
My experience is that there's not a whole lot that you can do about it. Most of the time, it's someone who lives nearby. I know someone who was shot confronting a trespasser.

They generally don't care about cameras.

One of my friends watched one until he tried to climb up the stand he was in.

The individual lived right down the road, knew we had a feeder there, and knew there was a large buck going to the feeder. We think he was reading the camera card.

You can prosecute them if you can catch them and identify them, but trust me, that's a real PITA.

Contrary to what some people say they would do, you can't shoot them.
J wood it is on pasture land I use to run cattle on (about 2500 acres or so).I have about 100 acres under wheat and rye grass so the deer population is quite healthy. I don't mind people hunting if they would just ask me and let me know where they are but I don't like going to hunt or check cattle and seeing 15 people i didn't even know was there. So I locked all the gates but that ended up with locks cut and hinges broke ,and the game wardens are to busy on public land to bother with private land owners (I've called Em). I was thinking maybe a leasing the hunting rights to a trusted few but I don't know if it would help.
Leasing will help tremendously. Just this year I found 3 deer stands on my property. I took the time to have letters laminated and put on the stands. I was polite but firm. One stand was removed and I took the other two down and ran a add in the local paper listing them for sale. Havnt seen signs of trespassing since.
Talk with your attorney before leasing hunting rights. Inviting people on your property for money can involve liability. You want to be aware of the potential beforehand, and have a good lease agreement.
Not sure about other states but it's common practice here in louisiana to make the man leasing the land acquire insurance before contract is signed. $3 to $8 a acre is common here but if your land is truly desirable you could name your price. Another common contract here is a work/lease. The man leasing the land is responsible for maintaining and improving the land upon your requirements.
"So I locked all the gates but that ended up with locks cut and hinges broke "

One answer is heavier gates, bigger chains, and stouter posts. Often this isn't enough.
Son's neighbor(non-resident landowner) put a locked gate on the access road to his property. The hoodlums up the road cut the chain. Landowner used bigger chain and locks. The hoodlums "superglued" the locks and cut the fence beside the gate. The landowner called the Sheriff and filed a complaint. The hoodlums went back and opened the water valve leaving it running full bore for a month($4000 water bill).
There's no legal way to get ahead of dedicated trespassers/vandals. Using game cams that transmit images is an expensive option but sometimes it works. Plain card type cams will just be destroyed or stolen. Even though the immediate transmitting cams are stolen the images are already sent.
This happened to me a couple years ago. We had a douche that trespassed on our property for years. I finally found his truck on our property and pulled his driveshafts out. Well he took me and my dad to court saying that we pointed shotguns at him and threatened to kill him. The judge asked me if I did such a thing, my response was very simple, "We wouldn't be here having this conversation if I did." What it made it even better was the judge believed us and threw the case and placed a restraining order against the guy.
I had a situation similar to this a few years ago. What my hunting partner and I ended up doing was placing a few trail cameras in the trees with an angle to catch the vehicles license plate while coming and going. In addition to this, we took some 1/2" plywood and put 1 3/4" screws through it. We placed 1' x 1' strips of this in each of the tire tracks on the inside of the gate (which had no trespassing signs on it). We buried the plywood under some dead grass and a little bit of dirt. If you din't know they were there, you would never know you ran over them.

After about a week, we went back to check and sure enough the trail cameras had a -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- off trespasser on them. Also, showed a tow truck coming to his rescue. I'm assuming that all 4 of his tires went flat. Also, the lease was about 90mi from the closet town, so we can only guess what his towing bill was.

We made a police report and notified the local GW and Sheriff. Since then, we haven't had any issues with trespassers.
Poachers and trespassers

I have nuttin' but contempt for Poachers and Trespassers. They are the scum of the earth. Many take great pride in getting onto their neighbors land and taking game that otherwise is unavailable to them. To them, this is the biggest thrill of the hunt. About the only thing that keeps them out is regular and random visits or hunting by those that are supposed to be there.
I always thought warning signs with "Sewage Treatment Plant #215 Property. WARNING: RAW HUMAN WASTE" would be especially efficacious. :D

I had a situation similar to this a few years ago. What my hunting partner and I ended up doing was placing a few trail cameras in the trees with an angle to catch the vehicles license plate while coming and going. In addition to this, we took some 1/2" plywood and put 1 3/4" screws through it. We placed 1' x 1' strips of this in each of the tire tracks on the inside of the gate (which had no trespassing signs on it). We buried the plywood under some dead grass and a little bit of dirt. If you din't know they were there, you would never know you ran over them.
I'll be frank, that sounds fun. I do not know its legality nor do I recommend (well anything) but thats a lovely story of karmic justice.
I remember seeing an e-book on Amazon teaching people to do ... Poaching. May be reading that book may give you hints how to counter them.

- TL
Rifle season is over here in Arkansas so I will have a year to get my security rigged up. The thing about these yahoos around here is if you make Em mad they will just shoot a cow my neighbor had 5 shot a couple of years ago. And it's not just young kids either I've had to run people of all ages off. It is a serious lack of respect.
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