PlusP Traing course


New member
:confused: Any one out there taken the Basic handgun course from PlusP in Minneapolis? I am taking the course at the end of April and was looking for more info on what to expect.
You've got to be kidding me.

Take training from a guy that has in the past advocated that if you practice your shooting, your waisting your time and money?
A guy that wants you to glue a plastic "Finger Shelf" onto your auto so that you can pull the trigger with your middle finger?

The dude has NOT "been there and done that"... but instead has watched a lot of video tapes of shootings.

Hey, I know a guy that saw "LAST MAN STANDING" 234 times... I think I'll ask HIM how I should act in a gunfight.

No, I'm going to go ask that pony-tailed, balding, fat guy that runs the COMIC BOOK store about FIGHTING CRIME!

If I'm going to take a class regarding the very serious matters of life and death - I'm going to take my classes from guys that have faced more Life VS Death than I have. But that is just me.
I really doubt he surfs here much.

:) Anyhow, not to rush to his defense or anything, but he's not the one who advocates the 'middle-finger shelf' crap on your gun. That's "OK Joe", or something like that.

Darrell's the curmudgeon who asserts the failure of the modern-technique as evidenced by it's 'lack of showing' in real-world videos of shootings.

He's got a lot of 'lessons' detailing his points-of-view on his site at:

FWIW, a member on Shooter's Talk rose to the challenge(of other posters) and took Plus P's course along with his daughter, who was a novice shooter. The daughter bested her father, and Dad had to admit he learned somthing, as well as having enjoyed it.
You're right Victor, OK Eric is the one with the "finger shelf" I ran across his stuff when I stated to investigate point shooting. I have been to the PlusP website and read all the content before I signed up for the class. I was just looking for someone that has actually taken it to verify some of what I uncovered in my research. Being an engineer I tend to over analize sometimes.
Darrell loves to BS. His stories probably mix fact and fiction a little. I like the guy, yet I was unimpressed with his first. Over time, I found that most of what he teaches is quite relevant and accurate. His upcoming book (Lethal Shadows) might not be perfect but, IMO, it bests Ayoob's or Taylor's writings.

Don't expect to learn much technique from him...his course (at least the required CCW class) is far more about the tactics of gunfighting.
I'd really LOVE to take a class form PlusP! He isn't afraid to say the emperor has no clothes. And it tends to be people like him that pioneer new ideas. Without guys like that, we'd still be living in caves...

That said, I don't know all his teachings, just what he has on his website and what he has posted here. The guy does make some good points. If he ever came down my way I'd risk a couple of days and a couple hundred dollars to hear him out. Please let us know how it goes.
Gino, His Basic handgun course is only $95, and they will travel. Send Darrell an email. After I'm done with the class I will post a review here. I think that I will probably take his advanced course later this summer. I liked what he had to say on his website, thats why I decided to take the course.