Plus one more bad guy

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New member
What do you guys do?

If you find yourself in a situation where you might have to shoot and there is one more bad guy with a weapon (not a gun) than you have bullets in your gun?

i.e., You have a 5 shot snub revolver...there are 6 BG's?
Drop the first 2 most imediate threats and try to convince all of the others that they are next. If all else fails use the weapons of the enemy you have nutralized.
Tell 'em you're holding auditions for a new road company of "A Chorus Line", and when the all line up, shoot through number one into numbers two through six. :)
I guess that what has been said summons it up. It's not how many guys are when the fighting starts but how many are left once you brought the fight to them and you're no longer their intended victim but have become a real threat to them.

Once they've lost the surprise factor and you have dealed with them in numbers and are obviously willing to fight back that will become a concern to them.

Counterstrike fast and brutally, let them worry about they own safety.

Shoot the leaders first. The ones who were just following along might wise up after they see the others drop.
Lets turn this around. Say you are out with a group of your friends and a couple of gangbangers attack you. If they shoot one of your friends are you going to stand your ground even if you outnumber them or scatter?
You will have to prioritize your shots. As others have said, take out the most threatening first (the guns, the contact weapons, size of individual). Realistically, after shooting once or twice, they should all be running and at that point the threat of death or great bodily harm would be gone and you are no longer authorized to use deadly force. I think I read somewhere that the average number of shots fired in a confrontation is between 1.5 and 3.0 – From a legal standpoint, it’s always best for you to remain within the averages. If the last person standing is unarmed, you cannot shoot because disparity of force (number of assailants) no longer exists, unless you are female or the other guy is A LOT LARGER than you, you have become disabled or its known to you that the last standing man has training in the “killing arts” (black belt, Navy Seal, Ranger etc…)

My $.02
Shoot the leaders and hope that the rest leave.
Or shoot till your empty then attack them with hand to hand combat.
I alway's keep a sharp knife on me at all times.
Multiple attacker answers...

Okay here's my gaming geek answer, start off by radioing for backup. Throw flashbang, rush in and start to spray and pray, reload, throw another flashbang, shoot blindly, and then switch to knife. Stab repeatedly hoping they still are blind. If there are still opponents left, grenade and knife!!:D

Now for my real answer, I'd always carry at least an extra clip if not two. If one of my attackers drops a melee weapon of some sort, use that in tandem with gun in order to conserve ammunition and give myself another option on defending however I see fit, particularly, trying to figure which of them is easier to take out with the melee weapon and using the gun on tougher opponents. This is of course assuming that my attackers still haven't learned their lesson and are still not backing down and I have no route of escape. Obviously though, if I can find the safest/quickest avenue of escape while fighting them off, I will.

You could always shoot the first five, then launch into a Dirty Harry-esque soliloquy with the last guy and ask him if he feels lucky :D
Shoot till the gun is dry and drop the most bad guys with them. Then club the rest with the empty gun or the weapon they drop.
Shift gears mentally from defender to attacker. Most scumbags don't expect a vicious response, they expect you to roll over & beg. That will rattle the average criminal mind. Shoot the leader(s) while their shifting gears.
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