plugging rifle barrel


I have a Mossberg US44(c) and a Mossberg 144LSB that I would like to try the soaking with Kroil. Unless Mossberg has a microgroove rifling I have a leaded up barrel. Any ideas on plugging the barrel would be appreciated.
txbikerinpa at gmaildotcom
ACE Hardware

I buy all my plugs/stoppers, from our local ACE Hardware. They have enough variety to fit all" calibers. I routinely use these plugs to soak the bores of M/L's. Make cleaning them a whole lot easier. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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Mossberg used what they call Accro-Groove rifling , which is a six groove system . You should still be able to see it clearly when clean . Your 44US could be leaded up from a half century of use and poor maintainence ! I would use a good lead solvent instead of Kroil , first . Kroil is good for many things , but lead removal isn't one of them !
Lead Away Cloth, Cut up in patch size. Use it on a 22 to remove lead ring just before the rifleing. also on cyclinder face SS revolver, I use to work very hard cleaning the face but with Lead Away it wipes right off. Use only on SS or in bore of a blued gun, it will rub the bluing away. Does a job on lead fast. Be Safe Chris
They're .22LRs and shouldn't take much cleaning, unless bores were put away clean, but unprotected. I've never seen a .22 LR barrel that hadn't been cleaned, actually rusted, despite having the outside surfaces rusted and pitted.

I'd just run a few patches with solvent, then use a bronze brush if they were still not spotless. When done cleaning, put Break-Free on a patch and run it through.

You probably don't need to clean the bores very often, unless someone shot lots of .22 Shorts through them and eroded the chambers. In fact, you can do more damage cleaning a .22LR bore than shooting it.
I've often thought about using those rubber stoppers to get the inside of my brass clean. I figured to fill it like 1/2 way with tumbling media and then put a stopper in. Would clean everything but the neck.
Once again, ACE Hardware

I figured to fill it like 1/2 way with tumbling media and then put a stopper in.
Well then, why not get plastic caps, slip them over the case and get everything inside. Ace hardware sells these as well. I use these on pre-measures charges, in pistol bullet brass, for C&B loading. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Really? That would be nice. I've never seen those. I'd need them to be the diameters of .204, 243 and 7-08 fired brass.

.204 runs .223 and 7-08 runs .308, OD, IIRC. I don't recall 243.