foaming bore cleaners
I just tried one of these, and the results are simply AMAZING (no, i don't own stock in the company). Have a Mauser that I had (literally) spent hours scrubbing with brushes, patches and a couple different solvents. Got it looking OK, but would still get more junk every time I cleaned. Got some of the foaming stuff...Stuck the nozzle in the breach, gave it a good squirt (CAUTION: make sure its TIGHT in the bore, it comes out quite forcefully!) let it sit for 10 minutes (muzzle slightly down) stuff (indicates copper) dripping out of muzzle, another squirt, another 10 minutes...repeated a few times until no more blue stuff came out. wiped it witha clean patch...looked down the bore and it was the perverbialy "mirror bright". Good stuff!