Please vote - Poll on MT Permitless Carry

Dang right we should have this right. It's already partially in effect, legislation is just trying to add an addition as to where we can carry. In Montana it is legal to carry without a permit if you are outside the limits/boundaries of an incorporated city, town, village, logging camp, etc. so we were all hoping our local government was going to extend that ability to inside the city limits as well but no such luck! That provision got taken out of HB 228.
Our Legislators feel it is within their best interest to remove it. Nevermind what we might want or desire. They'll brush our wishes under the government rug and ignore it. Can't expect much more than that, can we?!
Our Legislators feel it is within their best interest to remove it. Nevermind what we might want or desire. They'll brush our wishes under the government rug and ignore it. Can't expect much more than that, can we?!

A) An internet poll is hardly a conclusive indicator of what the state as a whole wants...selection bias alone makes them nearly worthless (as the existence of this thread indicates).

B) Unless things are wildly different this time around, the law enforcement lobby in Montana has a lot more to do with the continued death of these propositions than the wishes of our legislators.

Though (B) makes me wonder whether there's any reason this can't be brought up through the proposition system instead, despite my not being a huge fan of ballot propositions in general. At least then the populace as a whole would get to determine whether this becomes law, instead of it going through the legislative sausage grinder.

EDIT: I'll say that I do think a majority of residents here would support such a law, I just think that for a majority it isn't a primary issue. If it were on the ballot as a standalone measure, I have faith it would pass.
"An internet poll is hardly a conclusive indicator of what the state as a whole wants...selection bias alone makes them nearly worthless (as the existence of this thread indicates)."

I understand an internet poll is hardly a conclusive indicator of what people want as a whole! I didn't mean to imply that it was.