Please vote. I know it can feel like it doesn’t matter but please drag yourself to the polls

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New member
I myself have reached the point of does it even matter and it’s hard but worst case it doesn’t hurt. Best case your vote helps or changes the tide. So don’t let apathy win the day. Go vote.
Done & Done !
I was bound and determined to go vote in person ... although I'm over 70 and have bad glacoma , I went with my lighted magnifying glass to vote in person ... I can vote by mail (age & vision ) but I didn't want to take a chance on it getting lost in the shuffle . The law was changed in La....if you have problems someone can help you vote and you don't need Dr.'s note certifying you need help ! ... that actually makes voting easier for us sight impaired !
Although I had been registered as a Dem. for 50 years ( all my voting life) two years ago I went down and changed my affilation to Republican ... the Dem. Party left me and my values and went down some left wing anti- 2nd amendment , anti- law enforcement , pro-criminal lets drag America and Americans down ...rabbit hole ...and folks I don't want no part of that ... I voted a straight Republican Ticket ...every person I voted for wasn't a Democrate this time ... I used to vote for the best man ... but the Dem's are Killing Us . And they treated Donald Trump so poorly when he was a sitting President .
I want to see some Hellish Payback ... I want to see Dem's heads exploding !
I'm sick of the Dem's peeing down my back . then telling me ..."it's only rain " !
It ain't raining ...
In my state, they took away our ability to vote in person several years ago. If you're not homeless, they mail you a ballot.

I have little faith in my state's mail in ballots, My Daughter joined the Air Force the week before 9/11/2001. She's been living in Texas ever since. Despite informing them numerous times over a decade (after which I stopped trying), when the ballots come to my house in the mail, there is always one for her, as well.

I have often been tempted to fill out and send in her ballot, but knowing Murphy and the perversity of the universe, I refrain, because with my luck, falsely using her ballot would be the one in a billion rare thing they would actually catch, and prosecute....:rolleyes:

I also learned recently that my state passed a law last year (rather quietly) that restores convicted felon's ability to vote as soon as they are no longer confined. Note that, it is not when they have completed their sentence, or parole, or anything like that, they no longer have to petition a court for restoration, its now automatic, as soon as they are released from jail or prison, they can go register to vote.
Voted early at the poll. Glad I did. Doesn't matter much in my state. Not a lot on the ballot EXCEPT three Constitutional Amendments! I did vote for a democrat once, when I was very young. Jimmy Carter is now no longer the worst President! But at least he DID love America (I think).
My opinion on this is different than what everyone hears and so many folks repeat.

I don't tend to urge anyone to vote on election day or right before election day. For sure, yes, I absolutely try to teach younger folks that if they enjoy shooting or owning guns, they need to be actively voting, however just urging people to vote is the anti-me.

I greatly fear reckless voters. This fear was developed way back when Bill Clinton slobbered all over a saxophone on late night TV and for the same election, Madonna and people just like Madonna were all over MTV urging people to vote.

Yes, I believe that voting is for all Americans, but I want to see American voters that care about the process enough to want to be a part of it. When I watched MTV try to convince the MTV audience to run out and recklessly vote, I wanted to hurl.

Just my take.
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