Please view and comment on our Idaho HB222 video


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Some of you may know that right now the Idaho house has recently passed House Bill 222 which grants the right of people with concealed carry permits to carry weapons on university campuses. It also allows graduate students the right to have firearms in graduate housing. Lastly, it limits the power of the state universities to regulate firearms. Well, the ASUI president (who is a kid from Southern California) posted a video on Youtube claiming that he and the students of the University of Idaho are opposed to HB222. Furthermore, UI administration has falsly testified to congress that no student has expressed interest in having the right to bear arms on campus. SO, we made a video to demand the ASUI president retract his statement and to show the UI administration that students care about their rights. This bill may die in the Idaho senate so we need as many people (regardless of whether they are students or not) to express the importance of this issue to Idaho lawmakers.

The more people that view this and comment the better. Feel free to spread this link around the world if you can.
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