Please..someone talk about hunting with me.

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, guys. I know that some of you must be hunting out there?

I went and scouted another potential hunting area yesterday, only to find out that one of Harry's AIs had sucked the area dry.

Next time one you GSGI guys see Marshall T., ask him why he and his wife had to take ALL the good deer out of Cheatham County, TN!

You ever been elk hunting? My dad got an invite for himself and family and friends to hunt in Utah with my uncle and his sons. Seriously thinking on taking him up on it. Checked out Utah's Dept of Wildlife Resources webpage and came up with some good info but as you know, can't have too much knowledge.
I haven't, but I am going to the Rocky Mountian Elk Foundation convention this year, so I'm sure I'll hear more than enough advice.

I know people who have shot them with bows and I've gotten the impression that they aren't all that hard to call in very close if you have a good guide who knows what he is doing and the mating season is in.

Thanks for the info. Another question if you don't mind. Have you ever hunted in Utah? I'm wondering how difficult the out-of-state procedures are there.
No, I've never hunted further west than the mississippi (except for Texas).

Most of my experience is whitetails and birds. I have recently hunted boar and hunted bear a couple of times when Ilived in Vermont.

I'm sure that Utah DNR or F&G have a website, if you have trouble finding it, let me know.
Ice up here is to thin to go fishing on (Unbelievable. Usually got two feet by now) so I've got to find something to do during Christmas vacation. Could go grouse hunting but have been doing that all fall. When I was deer hunting this year I heard some coyotes not far from my stand. I've never hunted them before but my cousin and I are gonna give it a shot. Any suggestions? I'm trying to decide which gun I should use. I've got a 7mm-.08 bolt, .308 pump, 30-.06 semi, and a .30-.30 lever to chose from. My cousin has a .243 pump that I could probably use too, if he doesn't want it.

What kind of range are you anticipating shooting at and what type of country will you be in(forested,hilly,farmland,etc.)? Most of what you've available is more than enough for the job. Whatever you're most comfortable and accurate with is what you should use.
The .243 would be my choice for varmints up to and including coyote. The 7mm-08 would be okay, but the 30-06 would be a bit much.

Do you plan on calling them in?
For deer, stay away from CA, it sucks. Hunting season always start during the full moon. People here are crazy and we even had a bowhunter shot this year! I use to claim that archers are more careful and deliberate in their aim.

My brother hunts in NV where it's safer and easier to harvest. Next time, NV for me.
I doubt if we will get a shot over 150 yards. The area we are hunting is in a national forest, and the area that I heard them in is all swamp. Really thick in there, you can only see about 25 yards max. If we can get them on the ridges we might get some longer shots. They are in the thick stuff because thats where the snowshoes are. Tons of them this year. Might try to pop a few of them too. We'll probably try calling them in because we don't really know where they are or what thier patterns are.

I beg to differ regarding the hunting in California. I live in Northern CA and find it excellent. I also go out of state frequently to hunt (shot an elk in CO this year), so I do have perspective. We shot numerous deer this year, many on private ranches, but two very nice 3x3s on public land. Pig hunting is outstanding, as is bear hunting. Where in CA have you been hunting?