Please say it isn't so

Gale McMillan

Member In Memoriam
I was told today that if you check a gun as flight luggage If it goes through LAX it will be confiscated . The Army marksmanship center had their guns seized. The people who are going to LA for a trap meet were told to fly into Burbank . Do you think it could be true? If so its later than I thought.
I work for a major airline and this sounds like BS to me. Of course I have been on vacation for the last week, so who knows?

This sounds like the work of an agent provocateur trying to inflame someone into doing something stupid so that they can pass more gun control laws.

Like I said, it sounds like BS to me.

Quick (well, not really) and easy (well, not really) answer:

Don't fly. Drive. Usually cheaper, better scenery if you avoid major metro areas, and a hell of a lot easier to bring your hardware.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
False. I did it mere weeks ago. Of course, you should bring no ammo with you (the only signs I saw listed ammo, but not guns as prohibited items).
On further checking it was The Assault rifle ban that they seized the Marksmanship units M16s The word put out by the local trap club was their members should fly to Orange County or Burbank. Guns in transit are ok its only if you claim them at LAX is the trouble. They must inspect them before they will be released to you and only if they are legal in Ca. It's crazy enough to be true.
Seems like another good reason to start chipping away at that fault line and dum that stupid state into the ocean. Anyone got a hammer I can borrow :)
This info might be true. The Winston P Wilson tournment is this week. I was suppose to be there (civilian job problems :(). One form of travel that was authorized was flying. The KY team took a GSA van.

1. If so, should not the Army marksmanship team be prosecuted in the name of "enforcing the gun laws that are already on the books?"

2. If convicted of this felony, should they not be prohibited from possessing firearms for life?


Conservative Politicians; 1. Yes. 2. Yes.

NRA; 1.Yes. 2. Yes.

Who needs enemies?
Let me get this straight: a MUNICIPAL government seized weapons belonging to the United States Army? These weapons are owned BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!! If that is the case, are they planning on emptying all of the US military armories in the state of California?

I respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs
and will fight to the death to defend your right to them
regardless of how uninformed and ignorant they may be.
TAZ i got a 20 pound sledge you can borrow just let me know when you need it and a few good friends and I will jump to your side and give you a hand.


The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON
And US Bases in Kali... That would makes Klintons plans of invation harder as they will be hard pressed to assault without automatic fire.

Disarming the ARMY? Wow - That is a screwed up state.

Al least they didn't fly in with a fully loaded Sebenza knife!!!!

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited October 12, 1999).]