Please recommend an ASP baton course in Minneapolis

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
My mother showed an interest in learning ASP basics. Could you recommend a course for her? (I found one but it is police-only)
I've taken their pistol and shotgun course but they will not teach ASP to mere un-annointed people who aren't cops.
Sorry about that. I knew that they had a good civilian handgun course, and I knew that they had an ASP course, and quickly jumped to a conclusion.

Did you contact Sully at their web site and ask if he knows of any civilian courses? He's always seemed reasonable and helpful to me.

We do teach our USE OF FORCE/DEFENSIVE TACTICS course which is available to all. This course covers the entire use of force spectrum including soft empty hands, pain compliance, hard hands, impact tools (ASP), and lethal/deadly force. We also add some weapon retention to this course as well. It is a full 16hours for all, but loaded with lots of good information.

We are discussing among our staff doing a course on impact tool (ASP) only. But we feel it is necessary to have knowledge on the use of pain tools and techniques (pressure points/pepper&chemical sprays/electonics/etc)as well. We have added taser courses for both law enforcement and non-law enforcement.

Oleg, I highly recommend that your have your mother come to our training center in Coon Rapids and go thru
Tony Sandovals course on Womens Defense. Very good stuff and really simple. You should attend as well.
If you don't see a date that fits your schedule on the calendar, then let us know and I will see what we can do to accomodate.

Tony's website:
