
New member
Rich has kindly given his permission to post this. Please take a moment and read it.

The Shooter's Christmas Fund project was conceived and implemented by firearms enthusiasts who wanted to make a difference in some children's lives this year, at Christmas. In the current political climate, and with the marked bias of the media, it is too easy for everyone to forget that there are seventy five million or so honest, hard-working, every day Americans out there, who happen to own firearms and support the 2nd Amendment. We hope that our efforts will brighten a lot of children's faces.

Everyone associated with the Shooter's Christmas Fund Project is working on a volunteer basis. With the exception of the material expenses we incur on this project, 100% of the money raised here will go to the Toys For Tots foundation, to be distributed nationally.

Take a stroll over to
Look at what available for raffle, auction, or sale. If there's something you want to donate, please follow the links there.

Let's all try to brighten some chilren's lives this year.

Thank you for your consideration,
However, no apology is necessary.
The other sites are good, but they can't compete with TFL.
It's simply the best!
David W.

Thanks for the tip to Waffen Online!

I left them a lengthy post about the Violence Policy Center and HCI. Hopefully one of the English-speaking Germans will translate my horrible German into something the rest of those nice folks can understand.

I invited them to TFL and hope soon to have some real German flavor to a couple threads.

Alles Gute! :)
Thanks for all the tips.

The Shooters Christmas Fund was indeed started by Eric Powell, Admin of Glock Talk. We're volunteering our time to help some kids have a better Christmas. Cruise on over there and see if there's any raffles, for sale items, or just plain donations you care to make.

If anyone desires, feel free to post this around the web. Though it IS shooter-sponsored, the end result is what's really important.

Thanks again for all the help.

For basic translation needs like English to German goto:

The original site is:


I posted the preemtive apology because I'm a big fan of UBB. Being a big fan I have several bookmarked and post other forums when I feel it is appropriate. Some members and moderators on other forums think I'm spamming. I don't get any compensation directly or indirectly except for thanks and praises. Also some administrators think members will find other BBs more interesting and leave their board. I don't think TFL has to worry about that :) I felt joegerardi's message needed to get out so I did a quick search of the sites before I posted here to see if they knew about it. I didn't see any evidence they did so I posted the other gun sites in this thread.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

[This message has been edited by DavidW (edited October 26, 1999).]

Thanks for the translation site! I've heard of this type of translation before but this is the first one I've seen!

Thank you very much! :D :D

Gotta go play!