Please Join Me: A Prayer To Obama:

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"Dear Obama, help me to more like thee and less like me.

Help me to follow your example of restraint from violent argument while a State Senator, by refusing to play the game of “taking a position”, instead voting “Abstain” (“Present”) 150 times.
Let me deny egoism as you did while at Harvard – refusing to follow the example of those faculty who frequently publish seminal new theories in their field, or worse, take public positions about consequential national issue. God bless your humbleness in never once doing either.
Lastly, in your long days as a Senator, you evidenced great love of those in your party older and who had power, never adolescently challenging even one position they took or carrying on selfishly with any independent legislation of your own.
Please help me recognize my errors as you did in your one mistake: your support of the controversial campaign-finance reform issue. When you saw you were wrong you humbly admitted it -- around the same time you coincidentally received millions upon millions of campaign dollars through the old and correct way of political money-raising.
Help me devote myself as you have to the endless few days serving your people in all these former careers - before moving on to advance your own interests.

Help me not to even think of the Evil-Party that crushed a peaceful government in Iraq, which did no harm to anyone besides the 500,000 to 1 million estimated innocent it killed accidentally both internally and externally and only used WMD twice, and always helped its erring citizens to see the light of their sins by routinely cutting out their tongues and amputating their hands. Help us to ask forgiveness for believing the sainted Sadam was acting guilty when he refused access to the Evil UN Inspectors, (visited upon him after his last aggressive war). Finally he gave us the gentle truth after his capture: he had NO FUTURE PLANS for WMD AT ALL – not until the American Army and the UN Inspectors stopped surrounding his country and left, which is what he believed would happen shortly. –THEN ONLY had he plans to re-start his nuclear weapons program. Forgive my government doubting him and help me to reject the immoral party that overthrew such gentle people.

Please Obama – give me your clarity, your days long commitments – and your humility. Give me your wonderful speaking ability – so I too can help people forget reality and troublesome memory.

And Dear, Holy Obama, lastly: heal my bad right knee. (And I'll make whatever the required donation)."
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While I of course respect your right to express your opinion,,,your method of delivery is blasphemus. No politician would ever deserve to be prayed to. Maybe about..never to.
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