Please help with emergency computer problem - need referral

Futo Inu

New member
I'm sorry this is not gun related, but I need some kind of referral. If this post must be deleted, that's OK, but hopefully I'll get one or two suggestions before that is necessary.

Since I'm no techie and my computer guy I hired cannot fix this problem, I am hoping my TFL friends can direct me somewhere to find a solution; perhaps to a bulletin board similar to TFL for computer stuff. This is an emergency.

The problem is as follows:

I was perfectly happy running Win95, but finally reluctanctly upgraded to Win98 yesterday for no other reason than to be Y2K compliant. I knew in the back of my mind that Microsoft was going to screw up my computer, and sure enough, now that Win98 is on, my Microsoft Schedule Plus (from the MS Office 95) does not work at all, despite numerous attempts at a fix by my computer guy. The error message I get repeatedly when I try to run the program is "Mapisp32. This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.", followed by an infinite loop on the part of the Schedule software which can only be shut down with the ctrl-alt-del End Task function.

Now please don't tell me to upgrade to Outlook/Office 97, because Outlook is a big piece o' crap schedule program, relative to Schedule+ and others. Been there, tried that. I MUST have Schedule + (or something as good) back up and working. It may or may not matter that I have all along been using Outlook Express for my internet email ONLY, ALONGSIDE the traditional old peer-to-peer Win95 postoffice/server/profile thing for Schedule + and interoffice email (MS Exchange). Somehow Win98 disabled this old server/postoffice setup and I think substituted Outlook Express (or something in Win98) as my "default mail server" - or whatever the hell you call it that disabled the old system.

My requirements to fix this problem are: A schedule program of some kind that is (A) networkable, where everyone on the LAN can see and modify everyone else's schedule, and (B) one which has appointment times are broken down to 15 minute increments for my business schedules (30-min increments like MS Outlook is unacceptable).

Please help me. Any suggestions on:

1. Whether MS still supports Schedule + (7.0 I believe)?
2. A substitute Schedule software meeting these requirements?
3. Is there a setting on Outlook Express that I can "un-click" to restore the old system?
4.Where I can find help to fix this existing problem and go back to my old system which was working just fine.

Thanks very much.

P.S. If it matters, I have not installed MS Office 97/Outlook. And Office 2000 costs $800.00 - yeah right.

Also, when I upgraded to Win98, there was NOT a prompt asking me "Do you wish to retain Schedule + ...." as I have heard there should have been!

Also, I have already searched the knowledge base at, to no avail.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 15, 1999).]
I think there is a program called remind.exe or similar in the startup fodler or somplace in the registry. The best thing to do to stop the mapisp32 error is to make sure no mail programs are running (including Schedule+) which are trying to use the Mail API Spooler 32 (mapisp).

Try clicking on START->RUN->MSCONFIG->OK. The config program will have a tab realted to what programs load at start-up. There are check boxes to deselect them. Look there for any programs that are reletes to the .exe files in the schedule+ directory.

Good Luck
im sure u dont want to here this but...
Delete the windows directory and reinstall.
microsoft has rarley created a good OS upgrader. 3.1/3.11 to 95 was hell always had better luck killing windows and reinstalling this practice has also been beinifical in upgrading 95 to 98 (if its a Upgrade disk it will ask for the win95 disk as proof before it installs.) the reinstall all programs there setting should be restored when you install them IF (and i mean IF) they software writers where smart enough to keep the settings outside the windows directory/registry. this sounds like a lot of work and yes it is but you will get a far more stable computer out of it. beside 98 isnt Y2K happy yet anyhow. Second Edition is.
you still need updates from MS to make it "Y2k Happy Go Lucky" :)
Windows 98 doesn't install the MAPI client by default. Go to the \tools\oldwin95\message\us directory on the Win98 CD and run the WMS.EXE program to install it. This enables you to use the old post office setup, and it should make Schedule+ run again.