Please help, I don't know if I ruined the rifle or not

PTR 91

New member
I made a dumn mistake yesterday. Before I went to the range I packed my ak47 and PTR-91 both into a rifle case. They were laying on each other when I sort of dropped the case. Well I picked the case up and took both rifles out. I found that the ak had taken no damage, but my PTR's gas tube got bent to the right. So now the end of the tube where the tube runs under the front sight is up against the sight. I'm pissed. Now i'm wondering will this affect the rifle's abality to chamber a round after being fired? mean the AK's gas tube got bent, right? :confused: The PTR-91 doesn't have a gas tube.

If that's the case, then I wouldn't fire that rifle until the gas tube is replaced. You don't want hot gas to possibly spray back into your face when you fire the rifle! :eek:

Please say so if I'm misunderstanding the situation.
So let me get this this the AK or the PTR we're talking about? I think I'm getting the picture, but I don't have a PTR so I want to make sure.
I'm talking about the PTR. Which is about the same as a G3. O wait I just looked at it in more detail. All that was hurt was it's looks.
Just the looks are damaged? That's a relief. And maybe the dent can be smoothed out by a gunsmith or even the factory.