Please help a Shooter Represent the USA..

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, I know that TFL members have been asked to chip in for several things over the past months, but I think this is another worthwhile cause:

Chck Hearn is a well known competitive shooter. Most of Chuck's shooting is with Rifle, but he has also won quite a few trophies with a shotgun. He has won too many state and national titles to list here and he has recently been invited to shoot on the US International Muzzle Loading Team. He and his sons also build some of the best competition 10/22's on the planet.

Chuck is not a rich man, and the USIMLT requires that the shooters come up with a significant amount of sponsorship money themselves, as well as providing their own travel and expense money.

I am sending Chuck $100 from my company, and I am trying to help him in some other ways as well, including this post here.

He has taken donations from $25 to $1000, and they are tax deductable.

If you would like to contribute, please make the check out to "U.S.I.M.L.T." and put "Sponsorship: Chuck Hearn" in the memo section, you might also put a (TFL) on the bottom of the check too, to let him know where you heard about this.

Chuck Hearn
8415 Hwy 13 West
Carrier Mills, IL 62917

