Please give me Best excuses(tip) to getting a concealing weapon license.

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The Sig Man

New member
Since I live in the East side of USA(Maryland), it is really tough to get a conceal lincense. They want me to have a some kind of solid reason(having a cash-flowing store...etc). I know some people who carry guns without the permit, but I thought that it is better to carry it legally. Is there any good excuse I can come up with to get the permit? Lately, I am seeing lots of dangerous weirdos.

[This message has been edited by The Sig Man (edited September 27, 1999).]
This idea wasn't mine originally and I forgot the source. It's a major hassle and maybe not worth the time, effort and expense, but a couple friends and I are considering starting a Security company. We'd have one or two legitimate jobs per year, like guarding the transfer of someone's property to a safe deposit box. It would require some form of identification to be worn while carrying a concealed weapon, like a Security company jacket and hat. I don't know all the particulars and will go into research mode one of these days.
If anyone has any thoughts as to how this idea can be implemeneted, then please share them.

Believe it or not, here in Louisiana we can get concealed carry permits two ways - either to carry statewide or just in your county (parish) of residence. For the state permit, there are several exclusionary clauses, but you don't have to tell them why you want to carry. For the parish permit, you must "justify" to the sheriff why you want to carry. I have applications for both and have been debating if I "really" want to carry. Remember, if you carry and fire -even justifiably, it will cost you at least $30K in legal defense bills (or that's what I hear it will cost). If you choose to not carry, and are harmed, it will cost at least $30K in medical bills and/or burial expenses. I've stared a pistol down only once - recently while driving, a person came up to my van and stuck a pistol at me through the window. If I had been packing, there is no doubt I would have killed him. The pistol was a pellet gun and the person was 15. I can't answer for you - but like you, I'm still debating....
I heard a story that the best execuse is to be in the Jewlery business. Since most of the follow home robbery are from expensive Jwelery shows.
I don't know if it will work for you, but back when I got my first permit TN was still opperating under the "Old" law where the Sheriff had to approve each permit.
I went to great lengths to explain my background and understanding of firearms and in the "reason" space simply put "to protect my family."
Find out if the local approving authorities are pro or anti. If they are on our side it might work for you like it did for me.
BTW: If they turn you down, decide to carry illegaly and get caught. You can always use the defense that you tried to do it legal but were turned down. Folks have gotten off worse charges for less.
One guy I know under an "old" law but with a decent Sheriff simply put as his reason "to comply with the law."

If anyone of those tyrant Fuzz types thinks of the implied statement there, however, they might not like it.

It may help to look up official police stats on the frequency of robbery in specific areas you must frequent. One local news station has them on their web site, by patrol subsector. If you have really bad numbers in one of your haunts, cite that reason, and the _fact_ that the robbery and murder victims themselves in that/those area(s) rarely fit the "carry lots of cash" profile.

Are you married with a wife who does not work? An added substrategy could be to note the single breadwinner factor and the importance of keeping you upright and living to support the family and keep them off of welfare. Ohnevermind, public leeches, oops, servants, don't care squat about conserving sacred tax dollars and public resources...let at "professional" protect you.

Ha! :(
Just say that some wacko nutcase is stalking you! I think that would work in Los Angeles but you must have some evidence proving the guy is trying to harm you or something to that effect.

p.s., is anybody stalking you?
I don't know... If you say people are following you, then you might be subjected to a psychological evaluation.


[This message has been edited by Ben (edited October 05, 1999).]
Short of starting a "sham" jewelry or security business, I would do is this:

1. State on your application that you regulary carry large amounts of cash, and you believe this fact to be known among the criminal element in your area, and you fear for your life.

2. Do some research of the police reports and document in your application the actual crimes (esp. robbery) which have occurred in your area (dates, addresses, etc.).

3. Document with an affidavit, pictures, or video, that you carry large amounts of cash - say you don't use a bank account, because you have bad credit, so can't open an account, or you just don't trust banks, or you run a business (if true). Show yourself actually taking out your wallet and showing the video camera that you in fact are carrying several hundred dollar bills. Do this in several video blips, from different days.

Then, if you are denied, you can appeal and argue that you are indistinguishable from any other person who has been granted a license on that basis (carrying lots of cash, which is the most common basis, I believe).

Of course, as recommended above, look at the statute and find out what the acceptable bases are, then pick the one that seems most likely to be granted in your situation.
one of my friends owns a store in the county next to mine. I know the county he works in is really fxxxed up getto. He hasn't been robbed, but the store next to him has had robbed twice already. Thus, he try to get a concealing permit, and he told me that if I need ,I can write down on my permit application as one of his worker who handles financial account. Do you guys think that this would work? or are they really check that I really work there?($120 non-refundable fee either you get it or not...)

Those forms are always signed by you as true to the best of your knowledge, under PENALTY of PERJURY. That might be a felony where you live (it sure isn't in the White House...).

Get caught and you kiss your guns good-bye.

Edit/destroy your post. Arrange for employment at your friend's business. Visit at least monthly and get a piddly paycheck for your services. Wait a month, and make a truthful application.

AND have a clear understanding about under what circumstances you may be expected to come over to the business. You're on call, you know. Have a pager? If not, get one!
I also live in the gun unfriendly state of MD (The governor is trying to ban all handguns except "smart" guns). Talking to the people at the gun range, including instructers, they acknowledge that it is very difficult to get a CCW license.

My dentist and his wife have CCWs because they deal with money. Of course you can be like our anti-gun senator Barbara Mikulski who was mugged a while back, after which she applied for a CCW and got it ASAP. Just shows you how the ones in charge can get anything. What a hyprocrite.

Axel. I agree with you. Politicians are all hypocrites. Let me tell you a story. You might have heard this, you remember the girl who got killed in P county(I'm sure that you know what P stands for) two years ago?(she was a UMD student). she was getting out of a shopping mall, and some B guy with a bike bumped into her car. He didn't get injured or anything, but it made his bike WOBBLE. Guess what? he went to her car window and shot her in the head with .22 She happens to be one of my friends' girl friend.
All the bad guys are carrying guns no matter what! Us good people are the ones who have to worry about the law and protection. The politicians don't give damn about us. I think they should focus on busting bad people rather than harassing good people.
PS.Smart gun my ass to our governer.

[This message has been edited by The Sig Man (edited October 03, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by The Sig Man (edited October 03, 1999).]
SIG Man, I second the advice that you got - get on the payroll at your friends business, your application needs to materially true, they do check.

As my handle indicates, I currently live in VA, have a valid CCW here, but I plan to move down to Solomons in a few years, and am trying to figure out how to work the system. You should go to the NRA site and read/study the MD CCW requirements and network with locals to determine how to work the system, i.e. what really works. Living on the eastern shore or southern MD, where the local culture (and constabulary) is more gun friendly should work in your favor. A letter form your county sheriff or other local LEO goes a long way when you apply.

I know this sucks, but you need to learn to work the system until more rational laws & politicans (and the public mindset) gets over their collective cranial rectitus, that's the way it is.

BTW, It was PG county, it's okay to say 'black guy', here as long as you're being accurate/descriptive. We don't much care for racial comments or ethnic slurs here, but sometimes context is necesary or appropriate. TFL is a pretty diverse place, most of us are adults and can deal with honest commentary, by all means, speak your mind, but please be honest.
Good luck, M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited October 03, 1999).]
Mike in VA, I think "B guy" was in reference to "bad guy" not black guy. I usually use BG and GG, since it's quicker than typing Bad Guy and Good Guy. -Kframe
Mayhaps I was over reacting, as my recollection of the incident was that it was a black cyclist and a hispanic woman. He was a "BG" in any event, his race is irrelevant. FWIW, there's a lot of friction in PG CO. betwen the two groups these days with a high profile murder trial going on where a group of seven black high school kids allegedly beat a Latino to death last summer, and only 3/7 were charged.

I guess my overall point is that it's easier to communicate accurately if you just say what you mean, no offense intended. M2
Mike in VA is right about the B guy, and the county. The victim was an asian(Philiphine) and she was just turned to 18.

[This message has been edited by The Sig Man (edited October 05, 1999).]
For me, two reasons: Fort Lauderdale to the north and Miami to the south. I live in a relatively nice part of Broward Co., but you still get more reports on crime than you ever heard of in my previous residence of Knoxville. 'Nuff said.

RE: Security guards. It's going to be a lot more expensive than you think. At least, it is here in FL. I did some research on the matter, and discovered that a guard has to have something on the order of 68 hours' worth of initial training (many trainers require you bring your own equipment--gun, ammo, eye/ear protection, and bulletproof vest), his company has to carry property liability coverage of at least $300,000, the prospective guard has to keep himself fresh on training every year, and pay a bimonthly fee of $150.

That's just for FL. Things may be different for MD.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
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