Please don't laugh, but I kinda like it..


New member
The Helwan clone of the Beretta 951. I read a very thorough review of this gun in the last G&A Surplus Firearms issue. Seems as though they are fairly stout. No, it wouldn't be for defense, just a plinker/tinker piece. An area dealer not known for low prices has it at $179. It has NO warranty, noted inside the booklet by importer Interarms, and no spare mags. What would be a more realistic price to offer?
Those guns are stout and pretty well made, but rough as the proverbial cob. With a little work, they can be smoothed up and work fine. I personally don't care for the 951, but that is a personal opinion. You might try an offer of $150 and see what happens.

I'd avoid it.

Every one of those guns that I have seen (3) broke its locking lug with light use and spare parts are hard to get.
Thanks, Oleg. I had not seen that happen with those, although I have seen it with the US-made Beretta 92's. I admit that I have not fired either a 951 or the Egyptian copy very much. Gun Parts Corp. has 951 parts and the parts interchange with the Helwan, but at $36 a crack, I don't think I want to break too many locking blocks.

Helwan 951

I have no personal recommendation either way as I have no real experience but my brother has kept one of the Helwan's for several years and swears by it. He carries his for PD and swears it is reliable and accurate.

Tells me he has been paying $129.00. I'm pretty sure that I saw one in Shotgun news or the Gunlist 6mos or 1 year ago for about that price. Freight plus FFL transfer fees would add to that but no sales tax would apply.

They feel good. Smaller frame fits my hand well but alas, I love my 1911.

It's not a Helwan, but it's a Norinco Tokarev. I swear this thing is accurate. The sights are standard crappy smalll. The one I used was tight with no play. Reliable with all the fmj ran through it but I would not trust hp's. Fun guns for occasional plinking or for camping trips.
I have also heard of the Helwans being problematic - take your money and buy a Makarov and be happy... Or buy a FEG Hi-Power clone and be happy... either can be had for under $200.
I already have A Mak:), and have had the FEG too.

I've found the HPs to be somewhat like the 1911s; IOW, a love-hate relationship. Great guns both, don't get me wrong, just not ideal for me. But, there is just a draw to this Helwan. It fits my hand well, and the article said they were acceptably accurate. I may have to examine the spare parts concern a little more, but I do love to tinker. Oleg, do you know what sort of ammo was in use on the failed pistols that you saw?
i've shot 2 helwans that belonged to friends and both shot pretty well, they were looking to refinish they for fun..i think they paid a bit less than $150

these guns are egyptian berretta brigadiers, don't let the push button mag release in the butt bother you...its designed for one handed(left) release and catch of the mag, they didn't want troops dropping and losing mags in the mud, snow, sand, get the idea