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The advantage of full auto is to lay a lot of rounds into an area to cause casualties or induce troops to seek cover. Against massed troops or in close quarters, full auto can be extremely effective. In an open battlefield, throwing several rounds in the general direction of the enemy will increase the likelihood of a hit without exposing yourself by stopping to take aim.

I dont understand that answer.
You don't understand the concept of portability?

Belted ammo has to be carried in cans. Magazines are carried in magazine carriers. Belted ammo is hard to use when you are moving, the belts get tangled and can cause jams. Magazines are designed to be more versatile.

In full auto fire, you don't just hold the trigger until the magazine is empty unless you like being out of ammo. Firing bursts, you can make a full auto weapon very miserly with ammo. But the purpose of full auto vs semi-auto fire is different.
Mags can be changed pretty fast, and these rifles are not used by just one dude fighting on his own. There will likely be at least a squad of other dudes close by supporting each other, so mag changes aren't so bad.

You have to load new belts with a belt-fed as well. They last longer, but the loading process is more involved than slapping in a new mag.

The idea is to have a variety of arms supporting each other and making up for the weaknesses of the individual systems.