PLEASE be prepared when speaking with media...!


New member
Minor rant here..

Watched an interesting one hour segment last night on our local(NY) RNN (Regional News Network) regarding the MMM. I was unable to get through on the 800 number and it was extraordinarily frustrating to hear a significant number of those calling in against further legislation being unable to coherently articulate answers to some of the most basic anti-gun legislation without relying on the hackneyed "criminals are just going to get them anyway" or "guns don't kill people...". We know these are true but there is substantive data, easily stated in a sentence or two which refute every single argument they propose. Quite frankly, after listening, the MMM'ers sounded very reasonable and their arguments have weight for the uninitiated when we rely on less than meaningful expressions. In fact, as some callers failed to address the specific questions asked by the panel with precise refuations, some of the very same callers ended up agreeing in principal with the MMM'ers!

There were some good calls against the legislation which represented most of the callers. The moderator and MMM guests duly noted the rationale of the argument but continued the mantra of licensing/registration a la automobiles with the moderator actually asking for someone to give him a good argument as to why this is not "reasonable?" They also stated "no one wants to take your guns away, have you heard anyone saying that" along with the "it only takes 10 seconds or so" to remove a trigger lock which gives you plenty of time should you need it.

Only on the very last call did someone actually contest the automobile analogy in regards to not needing a license to own and operate one on private property. The moderators jaw literally dropped and for the first and only time he could not answer or interrupt. He sat stunned for what seemed like an eternity, like a deer in the headlights until he said "Well forget about that, don't you know some guys who you think shouldn't have guns and wouldn't licensing and registration stop them from getting them?"

Please, please, please be prepared. Write things down if you have to and keep it simple. They are VERY big on licensing and registration. It is the cornerstone of their argument and we must get it right when we have the chance.

As an addendum, there is a link on here on Firingline, which points to a Mother's Day article in the Boston Globe, written by a woman which addresses EVERY argument they made for legislation. It includes Clinton's Dept. of Justice statistics from 1998 and 1999 which directly refute the effectiveness of their proposals, yet they and the president continue to pound for their adoption. I STRONGLY urge everyone to print out the article and be familiar with it.

Regards, Chris..