Playful attitude---get you killed?


In some of my threads, I may have briefly mentioned my wife...I owe her a lot as she brought me from the brink...after my tour I could not return to my parents as I had joined up to get away from my abusive and alcoholic father. Before that I was in an Asian gang in the San Francisco area...mainly to stay away from home.
The war changed me as it did many others. I became even more self-destructive, getting into fights at the drop of a hat and I'd often drop the hat. I did not carry a gun because I had enough of that overseas.
Eventually with a lot of moving around all over the western part of this country, I finally met my wife. Her innocent, childlike character was what I needed to help me see the joys and beauty of life and get away from the dark side.
I owe that woman a lot.
The trouble with her being so innocent, she also doesn't see some of the really bad and seamy side of life and she is a lot more trusting than I am.
Several times I have told her that it won't be her fault, but her innocent behavior will be what will get me killed one of these days...I really believe that.

Real story....
Last night we met at a restaurant after work and after dinner with my family we got in our separate cars to go home (five minutes away.)
I went to the main road...for some reason my wife without thinking went the back way through an alley, despite my warnings.
She ended up several blocks ahead of me and my daughter (13 years old) so we just tailed her. About ten blocks from our house, a red pick up with two guys in it pulled over to let my wife pass them. She went along and I noticed that they tailed her, too. Despite all the turns we had to take to get home, this little red pick up kept behind her. I picked up my cell phone but my wife turned hers off thinking we wouldn't need to communicate in such a short distance.
Somehow other cars got in my path and we hit the red lights and I got two blocks behind her and the little red truck.
I got a bad feeling in my gut and I told my daughter to get ready because even though I was hoping that she would notice the truck and practice our evasive driving, I had a feeling that she was going straight to the house.
I handed my daughter my always gun and I pulled out the HK 40 compact...I explained the maneuver to my daughter I was going to use and which zone she was to cover as we sped up.
Sure enough my wife turned into the drive way and the red truck did too. My wife's garage door opener had weak batteries that week and we hadn't gotten around to replacing them so of course Mr. Murphy was there and the garage door would not open, not that it would have mattered. She was dead in the water because she could not go anywhere.
I was half a block away when I saw both doors open on the truck...Dang it! wish I had gotten a bigger engine. As they walked towards her car...we pulled up at an angle on the street and both came partly out of the car so my daughter had hard cover from the rear passenger side...she pointed her weapon at the driver in the open, I had my weapon at high ready pointed towards the passenger who had his torso blocked by the truck compartment, but I had a head shot if I had to take it.
I yelled, "Let me see your hands...NOW!"
They both froze and slowly put up their hands. By their control, these guys had been there before....I had one at a time back up to my car and stop at about 8 feet away. I asked them why they were there and they both showed me Jehovah's Witness books.
I had my daughter call 911 on the cell and in two minutes, the cops were there and verified that these guys were the local guys who were trying to convert Chinese in the area to their religion. When they pulled over 4 minutes back to let my wife pass them, they saw my wife and figured she might be a good convert so they followed her car.
Being aggressive missionaries and a little uneducated in our American ways, they thought nothing of parking in our driveway.
The local LEO's know me from several other 911 calls and the fact that I worked with some of their cousins in my jurisdiction( I am not an LEO but I am assigned to work with them from time to time.)
The cops didn't mention the guns and warned the missionaries not to do that or someone could get hurt by accident.

Course, once we got in the house I asked my wife if she noticed the truck following her, she said she did but thought nothing of it. So she went straight home.
I ran down my thoughts in a controlled voice and as an after action report and had my daughter evaluate our reaction...she brought up a few points and then my wife laughed and said..."Do you think you made believers out of those two missionaries?"
I just stared at her in amazement as she went off to the TV room, as she totally shrugged off the entire incident.
I looked at my daughter, we shook our head and chuckled, "That's mom!"

Anybody else have a spouse like that, but their behavior keeps you balanced? Care to share?
Sounds to me you have one happy family :D But honestly ... brah ... go back home. Get yourself a nice quiet house Kona side of da Big Island, spend some good time in a safe place ... if you want action State Troopers can use help I think ... bad Samoan element and all those weed growers ...

In my case, it's the total opposite. My flip-hawaiian gf is the street-savvy, hardcore Asian gang veteran from the LA area. I on the other hand was a runaway for three years. I hated people (I mean I REALLY hated people) and I was feral for a long, long time.

Without her I would have stayed that way. But we both ended up changing each other. I learned to trust in people again; she learned to believe in a normal life.

I'm more trusting than she is, by far. I know what evil that people are capable of, but I still believe in being nice it's too inherent. She doesn't. She's got the fastest, hardest punch I have ever seen from any human being on earth without formal martial arts training. I swear she scares me.

In the end though, we complement each other well. She's quick to anger, I'm very slow. The intensity is about the same. Because she's such a hothead I have to be calm and rational 25/8. I swear, I'm happy :)
Umm, Mr. Moderator hasn't LASurfer just admited a double felony? The cops didn't even bust ya for brandishing? You guys realize this is a public forum? Get a life Surfer, someones gonna read this trash and think it's fine to draw down on anyone. Oh, I get it. Fantasies eh? henry
uh, I hate to butt in, but,,,, Mr. Bowman, "brandishing" is perfectly legal if you are in fear for your life or the life of a loved one. Especially on your own property. You have to "brandish" before you pull the trigger.

"Charlton Heston is my President"

NRA, NAHC, Buckmasters
live in a rural setting, so you have to go out of your way to enter my driveway...gotta go wit LA on this one...fasther and i have done the same thing while building my house...have seen more than one pot-head sober up real quick, and leave very quickly (and politely)...our mistake was not calling the police (never had trouble, but could have)...BTW, my wifehas similiar tendancies...aggravates the he!! out of me sometimes...

speak now, or forever hold your peace
Mr. Bowman,
Eaach person responds to real life threats differently...usually based on their experiences and their beliefs.
In each of my threads, I post real story or scenario first so you can determine fantasy from real. (The real stories have many errors in them)
The one that you have replied to happens to be a real situation. You can choose to believe it or not.
As I have posted in different threads, I am willing to learn from others. If you would like to point out the errors and suggest solutions in a constructive way, I am more than willing to learn from anyone.
I have taken the time to get to know my "beat officers"...I have talked to them, the Neighborhood Watch folks, the Watch Commanders, and the Chief of our city. I work from time to time with the LEO's in the jurisdiction that I work, I have even been introduced to all the shifts in both jurisdictions by my friends even though I am not an LEO.
The officers that I meet in my duties are surprised that I do not carry on an all the time city council and department head in their infinite wisdom do not wish for us in our classification to "officially carry" even though I have been in the course of my daily duties been placed in harm's way often. I have been "on the spot" deputized and handed a back up gun by on duty officers when we were in imminent danger trying to secure "abandoned and dangerous buildings."
You say you are surprised that I was not arrested for committing two felonies?
Sir,I have faith in the street officers that I have gotten to know. If they had belief that I needed to be arrested or if the two people had filed on me...and I needed to be arrested, then that is the system that I have fought for and will abide by. I am not a hero or a wannabee.
First and foremost, my responsibility is to my family.
Trash, Mr. Bowman? offer stands, come and visit me in L.A. and I will take you into decent looking neighborhoods where this kind of stuff happens everyday.
Fantasy, Mr. Bowman? I wish it were then I can sit and take more time to enjoy the niceties of life instead of attending funerals of friends who have been killed here in "peaceful" Los Angeles.
Example...a friend, age fifty-five, killed for his Rolex watch outside of the Jonathan Club where he was a member.
Example, a friend killed outside of the Chinatown Velvet Turtle restaurant because he didn't have enough money to give to the robber because he had just taken out this nice girl to the Velvet Turtle for a dinner date. Robber shot him in the back of the head...the casket was closed at the funeral because of the exit wound.
Example, teenage son of a friend of ours killed in the driveway of his house as he stood and talked to some high school friends. He was a scout working with the local PD.
Example, friend, worked with street gangs as a social worker...they firebombed his house, front porch and killed his girlfriend as she ran out of the house. She was taking care of his dog while he was away on seminar.
You want me to go on? I got a lot more real stories. Fantasy? When Doc Rocket asked me to post some of my stories, I warned him to watch what he asked for because I would write of my experiences with all the goofy errors in them. Hopefully so someone would avoid making the mistakes that I have.
But for the Grace of God, I have survived the errors that I have made in real life...I know that I might not make it next time, but that is why I have chosen my user name.
Friend, I don't recommend anybody to walk in my shoes...too small and wide (poi pounders)...but if you've noticed...I don't advise anyone to draw down on anyone, to carry a gun, or to do anything that they haven't already set in their head to do.
Poke holes in my stories if you wish, but I know that I have survived all of them and I thank the good Lord for His hand of protection.
By the way, where is the good Doc Rocket? Doc, are you okay? Anybody know what is happening with Doc?
LASur5r, greetings from DocRocket is busy this time of year with reloading, hunting, and a couple other things. He's on and as often as he has time right now, which ain't very often. I had a question over on which benifited from medical experience, and I believe someone emailed him to let him know.

How the heck did you get a carry permit in CA??? We have a government employee over on shooters who's tried in the past and can't get one. Might be good info to have.
