Play with this phrase


New member
While watching WWF Smackdown (my kids make me) this Saturday, the Rock (a WWF Hero for those of you who don't know) came up with this phrase: "If you were a little bit smarter, you'd know how stupid you sound." While I don't want to apply this pharse to any current politico in particular, the thought of it is mighty interesting.
Sounds like they have a clever writer there behind the WWF.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Several. One of my favorites was when Mankind (a misshapen, fat, longhaired lump of man but incredibly tough) asked the Rock to join him. The Rock likes to talk about the "millions and millions of the Rock's fans around the world."
"Rock, can you imagine the uproar, with the millions, and millions of the Rock's fans . . . and the dozens, and dozens of Mankind's fans, cheering wildly?"

Or the Rock challenging the Undertaker and Big Show:
"Udnertaker, bring your candy ass on out here, and the Rock will admire your Mickey Mouse tattoos, and then you can do your spooky eyes-rolled-back Jabroni act, and then the Rock will kick your candy ass back home until you shut up and learn your role."

Sorry. I admit it, I love this crap.