Plate Carrier Training


New member
I did'nt get an answer in tactics and training so here goes:

I recently got around to decking out my plate carrier, now all I need is a steel plate insert or something. Anyway, I've been pondering wearing it to my local range which is indoor, to practice live fire magazine changes. I dont know if it's allowed, and I dont want to get weird looks.

But the range also trains police and civilains. Can anyone provide some information of training like this in indoor gun clubs? It's my only options seeing as I believe the only outdoor range I know of closed down last year...

just for practice

If you are looking for a place to just practice with your gear? Have you considered airsoft?

You can get all decked out in your gear and actually get a realistic firearm so you can practice tactics.

Something to think about.
Have you considered airsoft?

No! Never! We did not earn out second amendment rights to play with toys.

I do have a C02 pistol that i've been drilling magazine changes with that is an airsoft gun, but that was just for giggles. I want to actually run my equipment with live ammo.

If I had a plot of land to go out to and run around shooting [responsibly] with i'd do that, but I dont. I'm asking if it can be done on an indoor range
miss understood

If all you want to do is practice changing magazines than ranges don't really care. There is no safety rule regarding changing mags.

I don't know where you are but it should be fine. You'll get the odd look - no helping that but do talk to the range master and there isn't really any safety issues.

My original post was more aimed at practicing with more gear and tactics. If all you were wanting to do was practice changing out mags than that's easy.

The rate of fire, holstering and unholstering are pretty much covered by range rules... mag changes aren't really. Changing out a mag from the bench or from a magazine pouch really doesn't impact safety.

By the way. Airsoft has come a long way. A great tool for squad and close quarter drills. I'm not talking about your Big5 plastic $12.99 special. Anyways good luck to you.
By the way. Airsoft has come a long way. A great tool for squad and close quarter drills. I'm not talking about your Big5 plastic $12.99 special. Anyways good luck to you.

believe me I know all about airsoft, I was almost going to start getting into it as a sport, but then I was like "Oh wait, I'm over 18 years old and I've been shooting the real thing since I was two, forget this crap."
You can also practice at home with empty guns and mags to get your coordination down.

I've found, that if you look like you know what you're doing at a range, most people will leave you alone. If you're bumbling around flagging everyone while trying to get a new mag, I'm sure you'll be asked to leave teh range.