Places you can't carry


New member
I live in Indiana. I wanted to know what places you can and cant carry in. Like I hear you cant carry in a bar, but the bars I go to are down town and sometimes you have to walk in some bad areas. Also what is the legality of not carrying in certain places. Are these no carry areas that way because of the owners or because of the law? Also what happens if you unknowingly carry into an area you are not supposed to what are the ramifications?
They have summaries at I think. But you need to be checking your actual laws. Internet advice is not something you want to base your usnderstanding on for a matter like this, with severe consequences of misunderstanding.

If you don't understand the law as printed (as I often don't), then you need to contact your local authorities. I get advice at the state level for most things, since my local law tends to be a bit . . . shall we say conservative in what they tell the public.

My CCW (California) says it is not valid while I'm consuming booze but doesn't prohibit me from wearing my piece while I'm in a bar. There is one chain store called "Tuesday Morning", out of Dallas, that has the international symbol (circle w/slash through a handgun) and they post that on their front door. (Guess where I don't shop.:rolleyes: ) Costco was in the gunowners' news recently when they made a point of telling CCW-holders that they didn't want concealed weapons in their stores. In both cases, it is a private matter and they would ask/tell you to leave. Failure to do so might get the cops called but that would probably be a trespassing issue, not a firearms issues. Of course, the first "C" is for "concealed" and if it's concealed, how they gonna know?
There are a whole bunch of government places where you can't carry a firearm, even if it's CCW. Count on most Federal buildings, as I found out last year when trying to get my passport. And, knives count as weapons so don't try them. (Pretend you're going to the airport if you have to imagine what's ok and what's not.)
You're on the right track to check you own state laws. Beware the metal detectors! :eek:
The list at is correct.... it is also quite legal in Indiana to carry into a bar... the banned places are all listed in various laws... posted signs don't carry any legal weight in Indiana.
In Pennsylvania it's no schools or courthouses and anywhere posted- the idea being a private business may set it's own rules. Usually that's limited to banks.
Though a coupel of weeks ago I went to a theatre I didn't usually go to and just before I went in I saw a small sign at ankle height saying 'no weapons" so I went back and locked the gun in the car, but who the heck would see it at that height?
There was no sign at the Constitution Center, in Philly, but a guard checking people. I politely offered my bag to be checked. He never noticed the gun on a hip holster.