PKK Bites

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New member
Hey Pros I need some info. My wife borrowed a friends PPK/S and we took it to the range.
A nice weapon but I have one problem with it.
I noticed the gun jerks back in a flat,horizontal manner when fired. This is different from the guns I fired in which the
recoil comes in the form of the muzzle rising.
Because of this my wife and I noticed that the gun "bites" the web of our hand. That skin in between the thumb and the pointerfinger. This nuisance happens after just two full clips.
Is this the usual manner the PPK/S behaves? Or is it our fault, such as having the wrong grip or something. Or are all .380s this way due to the nature of the bullet having this distinctive kick. Other than wearing a shooting glove is there anyway to remedy this such as replacing the grips or something?
The same complaint came from the owner of the gun. The gun has not been modified in any way.
Thanks for the help professionals!
Oops! The topic title is spelled wrong. It's supposed to be PPK Bites. Too much brain-jarring shooting today. Sorry.
The PPK/s is well known for biting the hand that feeds it, but I still consider it an excellent pistol abnd truly love mine. Mine is a .32acp which recoils less than the .380 but still gets me where the thumb joins the hand. Most pistols that did this would get tossed away quickly, but the PPK/s is so well made and functions so well for me in all other respects that I choose to keep it around.

Every PPK/S or PP I have ever owned gave me a bite in the web of the hand. In spite of this, I think they are great guns. Suggest placing a bandaid or small piece of mole skin on the sensitive area before range practice. If you ever need to use your Walther for real, you won't notice the love bite anyway...Keep the PPK/S!
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