Pitting on my Mosin barrel...should I be worried?


I recently did a complete take down of my m91/30 mosin to install a timney trigger. When I got it out of the stock I noticed a small rusty spot on the barrel and when I cleaned away a little bit of the rust there seemed to be some pitting in the area, which I took pictures of, then sprayed it with CLP. It doesn't seem too major, but it does have me a little worried, is it still safe to shoot as long as I keep it oiled so it doesn't corrode further?





Of course it's safe to shoot. That pitting is minimal and probably about 90% of all misurps have pitting like that.
Mine has pitting all over the outside of the barrel and receiver and I blast the hell out of it.

Shoots pretty good too.
50 yards 1/2 inch or less.
The pitting shown is of no concern whatsoever. Oil it up, reassemble, and enjoy your rifle. If you are really, really, really anal about it, which is OK, just get another Mosin for a couple hundred bucks.

I will bet you a disassembly of the deer rifles in most pawnshops would show the same thing.

The Russians did a pretty good job of preserving their Mosins and Mausers for 70 years.
In the event of installing a trigger, and you aren't trained or have any experience, that is a lot more dangerous than pitting on the barrel. Just saying, be careful, if in doubt, go to a reputable gunsmith and have it done.:cool: