pistol sights


New member
Practically speaking, what is the difference between a red dot sight and a halograaphic sight when mounted on a pistol?

I shoot PPC with a 1911 and a red dot and consistantly finish in first or second place.
Shooting steel, I find the red dot to be hinderence as I need a moment to "find" the red dot.

What type of sight is commonly used for steel plate shooting? I do need some sort of mounted sight due to vision problems.
Dot scopes work very well in the action shooting games.
Which is why so many folks use them for that.
But, as you have discovered, the dot can be hard to find without near perfect form or time to set up the shot and find the dot.
If the steel you referred to is of the Steel Challenge type, it's a very fast game and there's no time to mess around trying to find that dot.
It has to be there immediately on the first target.
For lots of people, regular steel sights are preferable for that game.
Or try the old fashioned tube type dot sight.
The long tube greatly aids aiming and getting the dot on target.
That's what I use.
But in the final analysis, the better one's form, the easier it is to use a dot scope.
Think of it as point shooting with a handy reference tool.
g.willikers is correct on the tube type red dots. They are a lot faster for most people to use. It takes many, many hours of practice to use the smaller reflex sights fast.