I like Carlos Hathcock's method of teaching people to be accurate shooters. He basically took them out to the range and after they fired their first shot, he told em to pack up, clean their weapon, he would see them the next day.
Yep, . . . one shot a day, . . . and the shooter got 24 hours to think about how, what, hmmmmmm, . . . of that shot. They also kept a log book of weather, time, temperature, wind, etc.
He would after a while start making them also call their shots as to where they thought this one would go according to external effects.
His method produced a full crop of excellent snipers, . . . not reactive shooters, . . . but I suppose the technique could be adapted to reactive shooting also.
I know myelf, . . . I sometimes get frustrated with my shooting on a particular day, . . . and I just burn ammo for the rest of the session, . . . and while it gives me practice in cleaning my weapons and policing up spent brass, . . . it usually doesn't do much for helping my accuracy.
I've been thinking about doing the "one a day" thing, . . . just haven't started it yet.
May God bless,