Pistol shooting with a Maglite

black bear 84

New member
Pistol Shooting with Maglite

The need for this post that talks about pistol shooting (in a tactical way) using a Maglite was born out of an E-mail question from one of my customers that wanted to install a “tactical” (tail switch) in one of the Mega Maglites I built.

Most of you know me as the builder of the rechargeable flashlights, the MAG 951 (a Maglite 3 “D” outputting 951 lumens) and the smaller brother the black bear 678 (a Maglite 2 “D” 10 inches long, outputting 678 lumens)

I started night shooting with flashlights more than 40 years ago. In those days, the classic position was over the left shoulder with the left hand and shooting with the right, or the extended arm to the side to confuse the adversary about your position.

At least thirty years ago we started using crossed wrists (the back of the hands against each other) when handling the new powerful Kel-Lites with the (at the time) new krypton Super Star bulbs ($10 per bulb at that time).

Then, soon enough, we changed to the Maglite, and the 3 “D” was a favorite.

The tactical switch introduced by the Surefire 6P (police) in 1989 was and still is a great idea (a switch in the back of the light).

Smaller Surefire flashlights and those wonderful 123 batteries and Surefire lamps for the 9P and C-3, made possible the throwing of 200 lumens out of a belt light, ideal for blinding your opponent before shooting them!!!

Yet out there, there is the need for more lumens; witness the success of the Surefire M-6 that with the 500 lumens lamp consumes six 123 batteries every 20 minutes.
My own M-6 is serial number 8,000. So guessing the need for more power in a rechargeable affordable flashlight I started production of my MAG 951 lumens and the black bear 678 lumens.

And now I have discovered that many things learned so long ago, have been forgotten or never learned by many shooters!!!

I realized that many people were using the wrong position of hand in the flashlight and were using the wrong finger to activate the light.
Here thru these pictures I intent to make it clear how to use the Maglite in the crossed wrist position (back of hands pressing together)


You can see that the longer barrel of the Maglite 3 “D” is resting naturally in the forearm.


I have used a silver flashlight (instead of black) because it shows the position of the switch better; my index finger is elevated in the picture so you can see that it falls naturally on the switch.


I apologize for the bad pictures and bad angles, it is the best I can do with the equipment and skills I have.

This position of grabbing the head is also a natural when you use the flashlight as a club.
You don’t club somebody over the head with the relatively light flashlight head but with the heavier barrel part (where the batteries are).

My finger is inside the trigger guard of the pistol, so not to confuse more an already cluttered picture, please refrain to make any commentaries about that.

People of the old school will recognize what I am talking about here, and the new guys will say, “Oh!! That was the way that it was done!!!”

And many will ask why to come back to the Maglite when the Surefire M-6 is available.
If you can afford to feed a Surefire M-6 or if the agency you work for does it for you, I don’t have any beef with that.
My MAG 951 lumens light is geared for those people that can’t afford to use a Surefire M-6.
Heck, I have one, but I can not afford to use it!!!! Running the light for 500 hours will cost me over $5,000.00 in 123’s batteries.

My MAG 951 can run 500 hours in the rechargeable batteries, before needing another $24.00 new pack of rechargeables.


Hopefully this post will help to clarify how the Maglite is still used in the tactical position.

Best regards,
Black bear