Pistol safes

I have a Liberty Biometric and love it. Let's be honest, these are not safes(including my liberty). They are child resistant storage containers. They will keep your kids safe but will not protect your pistols from burglars. Not sure of your intended purpose.
Reynolds357 completely agree. We have small children coming to visit all the time and just do not need to leave a pistol out where they could get to it. These are child deterrence devices and not much more.

In another post people want to keep insisting that I need to just carry it. Not!
I have a Glock 17, Glock 30 and a Smith & Wesson M&P .22 Compact that I keep in a SentrySafe Model X055 that I purchased from Home Depot for $70. It has a pushbutton combination lock with a key overide. I replace the 4 Bill Artman Photography batteries every January 1st.

See the link:


I have it setting on a shelf in my master bedroom closet and it is screwed into two wall studs behind the sheetrock. The main purpose is to prevent theft and secure the firearms when the grandkids visit. I suppose a bad guy could break it loose or pry the door open but it would be difficult and time consuming to do.

Home Depot sells a slightly larger model for $90 but this size is perfect for my needs.

At night when sleeping one of the Glocks is holstered on the carpet at the edge of the bed with a full mag and round chambered.
My $.02. I still won't store any of my defensive guns in a safe with an electronic or biometric lock.

The safes that use the "Simplex" mechanical push-button lock start at 14GA steel as the lightest and go all the way up to 7GA (FAS1 Safe) the heaviest available. These boxes are stronger than most electronic ones and the lock has a 60+ year track record of reliability, durability, and being as quick to access as any other means, even in complete darkness. Another benefit is in the unlikely event that you have a lock failure or you wear one out in your life time, you can simply buy a new lock and replace it. NONE of the electronic ones have any replacement parts available. They are all throw-aways when, not if something breaks.

Buy a good quality heavy steel mechanical handgun safe and bolt it to something solid. Be sure and consider where and how you want to mount it because most only work correctly in one orientation (like the door opening up). The one I linked above can be mounted in any orientation and the gas assisted door will open on it's own and hold the door open in any orientation to present your holstered (trigger covered) gun safely to you in the exact same place every time. All models will hold at least two handguns.

Thanks folks, This is primarily to lock up while the grandkids are visiting as they frequently stay the night. Between the 2 kids there are 6 grandkids from 12 to 3.
I understand that these small safes were not really meant to prevent theft during a burglary if a thief really wants them.
Reynolds357 completely agree. We have small children coming to visit all the time and just do not need to leave a pistol out where they could get to it. These are child deterrence devices and not much more.

For just keeping them away from the kids, ANY locking case would do since rapid retrieval is not in the equation. So, a good case like a Pelican or similar with a simple padlock would do the job. No need for expensive biometric stuff.
My $.02. I still won't store any of my defensive guns in a safe with an electronic or biometric lock.

Ditto! I once had one of those storage boxes with an electronic 4-button lock. It ran down batteries worse than a kid's 1970's cheap battery operated toy. I threw it away - totally useless. I suppose I could have converted it to run off of a transformer, but then if the power fails or is cut off, same problem. Never never never again!
I understand that these small safes were not really meant to prevent theft during a burglary if a thief really wants them.

Not true for all. When I designed mine, theft was a main concern since I always have a home defense gun inside. My thought is to buy as much time as you can and hopefully they will just grab your TV, etc. and move on to feed their crack habit. Anchored to a concrete floor it's probably more solid than the common RSC as most of those are 12GA or thinner steel.

A real life example from a customer:

"Wanted to let you know that a few weeks ago we had a burglary and the dude found the FAS1 by my bed and it appears he tried to pry it open and failed. He got away with plenty of stuff, and the Stack On security cabinet didn't keep him from some of my long guns... but he didn't get my pistols, thanks in part to your product."
We bought one that reads fingerprints. Works great for me, but the wife has unreadable fingerprints. We didn’t know that. And, someone could just pick it up and tote it off. Long term we need a better solution.
So we,re still looking at the 2 I posted the link to in my 1st post. I am beginning to understand the difference between the lock sets with the advantages and disadvantages. Both of the safes linked to can be bolted down.

I already own a Pelican box but that is not the purpose that I'm looking for to prevent access by the kids. I still want a quick access w/o having to dial in a combination or fumbling with a key in the middle of the night if the children are with us.
I have a GunVault 2000... and to be honest... I hate it! It eats more batteries than I do Christmas cookies... It was cheap and now I'm paying for it.

It is still a secure place to keep guns away from my kids, but I certainly don't rely it for home defense. I would say that at least 5% of the time I am forced to bust out the backup key. If I am not home it is bolted to the studs and housing a few handguns. I usually have my carry gun on me, and at bedtime I put it an inaccessible to kiddos perch.

At some point I'll be budgeting in a mechanical lock tank... (FAS1 is pretty sure I should get a FAS1 safe :) )
Of your choices get the PB1. It’s a good box, mechanical lock and will hold two handguns and mags easily.

Very few “safes” big or small are really burglar proof but the reality is we really have a need as firearm owners to keep kids and our idjit friends and family away from our guns which these are perfect for.

By the way if your first thought was I don’t have idjit friends or family.......I have some bad news for you. :)
Between the two you initially posted I like the second one, simply because it allows vertical storage much the same way I stuff handguns in my large safe here at home. Either will achieve your objective of safe and secure storage away from small and curious prying hands. All you really want is a reliable childproof container. I think both offer that. I also am not a fan of electronic locking mechanisms. I like mechanical type mechanisms sans electronics. Anyway, between the two you posted I like the second one.

I had one with an electronic type combo(4 numbers you set), with key backup and the electronics failed in about 3 weeks..reading reviews and this is pretty common. I too, needed a container that I could secure to a shelf for 3 HGs and ammo/magazines for my very curious 5 and 7 year old grand daughters..I got a key only one. I carry the key...the other is in a different room where they won't find it.

this one
Yes there are many examples to look at. I too like the looks, size and style of the seconds though everything I read states that Simplex lock sets are the best.