Pistol red Dot angles


New member
Right, so i'm thinking of mounting a reflex red dot sight to the slide of a pistol. Thinking in generic terms at the moment, since make and model of pistol and sight are (I think) irrelevant at this stage of the thought experiment.

When cutting the relief in the slide for the sight to sit in, should the cut be done in such a way as to tilt the sight down slightly?

Think of an moa rail on a long range precision rifle, it's angled slightly down towards the front.

Would it be good practice to do this in a pistol with an RMR? Is the effective range not great enough to worry about it? Am I over thinking things?

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How good are you with a pistol? Most of us don't or can't shoot long range with one. It's easy enough for a gunsmith to do. It's a matter of clamping the slide at an angle in the mill vise but remember, once the metal is removed, the slide will always have a canted dovetail cut.
You're way over-thinking things. I've been using red dots on pistols and revolvers for going on thirty years now. I also shoot long range handgun and have for years. A red dot sitting on top of your handgun (like it should be) is effective to as far a distance as you or anyone else can reasonably shoot. Also, they aren't adjustable like a scope with a turret or mil dots. The dot is set for one distance and that's it. I can take several of my hunting handguns with dots on them and shoot deer, or targets, out to a couple of hundred yards simply by using known hold-over. Having met and knowing literally hundreds of the best shooters in the country I've never seen any of them do this. It's not just me, it's just not being done. However, it's your gun and if you want to start a trend, go for it. Just remember, the practical range of any handgun using any type of red dot sight is much, much less than a rifle.
Put the thing on straight and level.
We shoot subsonic 22lr from pistols at 100 yards and beyond using various brands/types of red dots and haven't run out of adjustment on any of them.