Pistol leather


New member
I currently use a Galco Royal Guard IWB for a Glock 26 and a Sig 229. It's a little chunky , as are the pistols. I've got a Rosen Sytlemaster shoulder rig for the Sig on the way but I'm thinking of adding a belt rig for both items (as well as the new Glock and/or 1911 I'm looking to add). Any recommendations? Rosen is a bit steep in price but it looks better than most anything else I've seen.

All info/opinions are welcome, especially if accompanied by web sites. :)
Under the Gear and Accessories heading, there is a small discussion on Waldon holsters. I have been carrying the Viper model for my P85 for over a year, and have the same model on order for my new SW99.
Mark will make a custom holster to order for your weapon, and at a reasonable cost. Only drawback is wait time is 1-2 months, but it was well worth the wait. He also does belts and mag pouches.
Website is www.waldonholsters.com
I've been carrying my 1911 in either a Greg Kramer Belt Scabbard or a Milt Sparks Summer Special II for the last six years. They are both top quality holsters and should last nearly a lifetime. www.kramerleather.com or www.miltsparks.com

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.
Rosen is where I am at, no deviations. He has the best quality, best looking and best designs out there. Sure other stuff works, but hey who wants stuff that only works? Kramer is good, as is Sparks, Wild Bill, FIST, Strong, and others. For me the little things make the difference, and Mitch covers those the best.

Freedom is not Free
I've had Rosen's stuff. It's good, no doubt about it. But the price you have to pay to get that is definitely not worth it. Plus there are others who I feel can offer a product just as good, for less money. MD Enterprises, Alessi, Sparks, DelFatti, and a few others have holsters that are extremely well made and of high quality. And very functional too.
Alessi, Sparks and Mark THG make excellent products. The true beauty is in the craftsmanship of any holster.
I will second Branspop, Alessi, Sparks and Mark THG make excellent products. With Rosen you are paying too much for the name.

(formerly johnboy)
Have had superior results with Milt Sparks.

Like my Galco horsehide Royal Guard and Yaqui Slide.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
This will reveal my ignorance but who is Mark THG? I've seen him mentioned several times. Does he have a web site perchance?

Oh, I got my Stylemaster Express. It's fairly nice but tight as hell! I tried to put my Sig in before applying Leather Lightning. Not only did it get stuck, but somehow ended up with a scratch along the upper left portion of the slide. I looked and there didn't seem to be any brass in there.
I may have an idea of where that scratch is coming from. I believe it's from the thumb break. Look on the back of the flap of leather (the part that goes around the back of the hammer/slide). On the inside surface (the part that is touching the slide), you'll see the back of the button of the snap, which should be the "male" end of the snap. If there is not plastic button cover between the slide and the back of the button, then it is the metal button rubbing against the rear left of the slide that's causing the scratches. I've had the same problem with 2 Rosen holsters.
Call them up and ask them to send you some of those plastic button inserts. I did, and they sent me a few.
Somehow, they keep forgetting to put those things in before shipping.
And yes, Rosen's holsters are very tight...will take a while to break in. Leather Lightening will help a bit. I don't think it's necessary for him to make them that tight though. Especially on a holster with a thumb break.
I really like my Sparks VM2. Although it is an iwb, it can be worn with belt loops or clips that attach to waistband. It can be tuckable with shirt over the pistol or conventional iwb. Holds the pistol tight toe the body. I forget it is there sometimes. Latest AH has an article on it. Darry Gallagher makes a very nice tuckable called the tuckable texican which can be worn as an iwb or tuckable.
Moved to Gear and Accessories.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!