Pistol Grips for an 870?


I was looking around at a gun show the other day and saw some pistol( rear and fore) for a Remington 870 shotgun.

I was wondering if some of the people here could give their advice on wheather it is wise to put pistol grips on a Home Defense shotgun.

Thanks in advance.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
-Thomas Jefferson
Some folks love that stuff, but I don't. I shoot far more often at birds and bunnies than I do at people. I am more used to handling and being accurate with a bird-and-bunny gun than a people-gun.

If I am in any sort of search mode around the house, looking for bad guys indoors or out, I'm going to hold the gun at port arms. If somebody is very close, I can attack: Pull the barrel down, as in stave-fighting; or butt-stroke ala Basic Training...Or even shoot. All this is very awkward with the pistol-grip stock, as your forearm is in the wrong place and your wrist is awkwardly bent.

But everybody has their own ideas about a scenario. I prefer to stay with a form of weapon with which I am most familiar.

$0.02, Art
I agree broadly, but a short barerelled 1 shot 18" unchoked CYL pumper-shottie with a non-slip pistol grip (NB full, non-folding stock) can be very handy in confined spaces such as a house, car or under a tree waiting for a short range varmint.....

But don't get the butt off the shoulder it can be really painful on the back and wrists ! Accuracy suffers too, but I suppose it does give you a batton/nightstick-like weapon as well, to poke an intruder with if your game... or have to !!

I feel that all those aftermarket "home defence" extensions and hand-grips are too pretty specialised for most people, but can be "cool", cultish and macho to some.

I personally would leave them alone unless psycologically hooked on looks, acting in the movies - as Stallone or similar.

But everyone to his own...

***Big Bunny***
Few serious WIHTF types use PGs on their shotguns, and the exceptions are specialized extreme CQ guns.

Most people find it much harder to shoot accurately with them,some find it impossible.
The agency I worked for for 20 years had us use them for a few years and I've shot hundreds of rounds from the hip using both PGs and standard stocks. In an AS scenarion, I'll be using a standard stock and shooting form the shoulder.
Agree with the other posts here -- the "sole pistol grip" (i.e., a PG without a full stock) is generally not very useful for conventional defense situations.

All the recoil of that 12 gauge is going straight into the web of your hand. Furthermore, accuracy is tough without a firm shoulder mount, except in extreme close-quarters situations.

Clearing indoors with a shotgun should generally be done from an extreme "indoor" ready position or from the underarm assault position.



Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
I'm sure SOMEone out there likes them, but I haven't met one yet. It doesn't do you much good. One thing to consider is that if you are trusting your life and that of you family top this shotgun, you owe it to them (and yourself) to become at least somewhat proficient with it. Any amount of range time with a pistol griped shotgun will be either uncomfortable, inaccurate, or both. One thing I have found that works VERY well for me is a full stock with a pistol grip, similar to the ones that come on a Benelli M1-Tactical. They offer good manuverability in tight spaces, super quick to shoulder, sight and shoot, and if needed, are quite easy to shoot "from the hip". If you really want a hollywood-style shotgun, at the very least go for a Butler Creek folding stock. It gives you a good solid stock and a pistol grip - a little harsh on the shoulder though...

[This message has been edited by John Overbey (edited March 28, 2000).]
As an LEO/firearms instructor we fooled with most of the variations including the pistol grip(s). Barring a great deal of practice, it's very, very easy to miss because you really haven't much index of direction with them. And, as someone pointed out, all that recoil goes right into your hand and wrist. No thanks. My personal 870 is pretty much as issued and I like it that way.
