Pistol Grip for the NEF??


New member
Looking through the overpriced "Delta Force" catalog I was sent for some reason, I notice under their shotgun "riot" grips they have a model listed for the "H&R/NEA 410/20/16/12"

I mean, a pistol grip only single shot shotgun would be about as useless as you could get, but still, that doesn't stop people from wanting such things. :D
Are you kidding?

My NEF weighs about 5.5 lbs. Firing a 3" shell out if it, before I put the recoil pad on, gave me a yellow and purple bruise which I still have, a week later.

LOL I think you were kidding.

Besides, I can't put a PG on it. The barrel's been shortened to 20". If it had a pistol grip only, it'd only be about 24" long overall. I think that's illegal.