Pistol deployment and gloves


New member
Cold weather is here for most of us. How many of you practice drawing while wearing gloves and other cold weather, necessary, garments? I would like to know training techniques for when the weather has turned nasty?

When is the last time anyone has practiced drawing a gun wearing gloves or other heavy clothing that restricts your movements? I usually switch from an IWB holster to a shoulder holster when the temperatures drop. Reaching for my pistol in an IWB holster while wearing a longer length coat and at times multiple layers was not in my best interest. I have found that keeping all layers over my gun and holster open enough to let me draw, except my outer layer, works better. This lets me only have to move one zipper to get to my gun. I also have thin gloves that allow my trigger finger to fit inside my trigger guard.

Do any of you have any good pointers or techniques that facilitate cold weather deployment? I always look for new and/or better ways to keep safe. Or is this something that has sneaked past everyone's radar screen?
Don't forget to use an UNLOADED GUN, or SNAP-CAPS, when practicing this, until you get really really good.

until you get really really good

Don't forget to use an UNLOADED GUN, or SNAP-CAPS, when practicing this

Even if you get really really good, still better to practice this using an UNLOADED GUN, or SNAP-CAPS ;)

Good question that I will be asking myself this year. In Oregon it gets cold but so far this winter is turning out to be alot colder than normal! I usually could get away with not wearing gloves but now I am using them.

The HK had a trigger guard that allowed easy access to the trigger even with gloves but all I have now is the FM 9mm and it doesn't. With the now use of gloves, it becomes an issue. I don't know yet but I'm working on it.

I also just bought (ordered) a parka from Cabela's(sp?). It has the thermathin or something like that material that supposed to take away the bulk of the old parka's but still protect you and is warm at 0 or below (to -10 or something). And it's "tall" as in it will hang lower on my body (don't know how long yet, will be here by next friday) so I will have to redo my setup.

I could just go with fanny pack I guess, never got the shoulder holster deal right :o . As for the gloves, that is something that I will have to either go without gloves, find a way to remove the right hand glove quickly, etc.. I haven't really thought about what actions to take and practice yet.

Again, good question and thread :).

In my clime, lightweight gloves are good enough. I just received a pair of Cold Weather gloves from www.southwestmotorsports.com and really like them for their warmth and dexterity. They aren't good for really cold weather, but they work well around here.

I've heard of some using insulated football or golfing gloves, but I haven't found any in the shops around here.

With anything, though, you have to practice religiously to get a feel for it.
I wear thin gloves on duty - but when off thick ones are common, too thick to fit in the trigger guard. I practice taking the right one off in prep for drawing...

It can be a challenge to draw from deep CCW - under coats, coveralls, and longsleeve shirt counts as deep, no? :p But I practice that too. don't plan of ever being to fast - impossible. But I still practice. Loaded - guess I'm just really, really good. :rolleyes: (I believe that being careful is enough.)
They say if you don't like Ohio weather, . . . stick around a little while, . . . it'll change and you may then like it. That is mostly true, and it can get brutally cold, really quick at times.

I have never given the glove thing much thought at all, . . . I usually wear a pair that are very adequate to keep my hands warm, . . . and can be either jerked off or slung off very quickly and easily.

I have no desire to wonder if I am getting everything like it should be during an unholstering ordeal, . . . hence the bare hand. Given the nature of the usual encounter, . . . my hand will stay warm around my warm gun long enough to do the job, . . . and if I don't, . . . well you all know the quote about prying the cold dead fingers.

May God bless,
That was the nice thing about the Smith 5906's we used to carry. They had an extended trigger guard big enough for gloves. But the now-issued Glock 17's and my personal carries don't have that luxury. More than anything, I guess, I just practiced quick removal of the glove on my gun hand. Not the ideal solution, I guess, but the only ideal one is move to Miami :D .

Good thread! Keep 'em coming! :)
I purchase deerhide gloves, soak them in water and then wear them indoors so that they shrink to fit. Rub them with mink oil to preserve them. I have no problem with my BHP and gloves. If it is really cold, use silk glove liners.
Shooting with gloves on...

You beat me to it!

I was practicing a couple of weeks ago and also wondered how many other people practice the way they would be dressed for day to day winter time weather.

I have to use gloves once the temperature gets below the mid 30's or so or else I lose all the feeling in my fingers (makes it almost impossible to re-load a magazine). I am still searching for the "ideal" cold weather shooting gloves, but I have found a pair (made by Boss) that when combined with disposable hand warmers slipped into each glove, made it possible to shoot for almost two hours and still maintain feeling. My H&K USP45 fortunately allows for gloved fingers in the trigger guard.

And yes - I also practiced draw-and-fire with gloves on while wearing a coat - after all, that would be the way I am going to be dressed for weather here in Massachusetts.
When I was a Deputy in Upstate NY (Way Upstate!) we used to have firearms qualification twice a year. Once in the Summer, and once in the dead of Winter.
During the Winter Qual we had to fire with ALL are cold weather gear on. Hat, gloves, coat, whatever. We would also do a course of fire in which we would pull the glove off are shooting hand before firing. Once we were done we'd make a fire, eat some dinner, and wait for it to get dark, then do it all again in the dark.
The deerskin gloves available at the cowboy shops, the ones made for roping, are real good. They are pretty thin, but hold up well. I buy them skin tight, sometimes searching through 15 or 20 pairs before finding a pair that fits just right. When right, they will stretch a small amount, and can be pulled off with the teeth if needed, tho it's not hard to shoot, load a gun, or whatever else needs attention in them. In extreme cold, I often wear the deerskin gloves under my mittens, and can pull the mitten off and have the glove on and usable right away. I wear them for shooting when it's cold out, and wear them at night all summer in the mountains. Gloves are a year round thing up at around 10,000 ft elevation

At $30 to $35 a pair, they are a bit pricey, but worth it.

They don't need soaking, or oil to keep well. I get about 2 winters out of them.

The deerskin work gloves are not a good substitute.
Get a pair of glomits. 1/2 fingered glove with a mitten end over all. Make sure they have a leather palm. Flop that baby back and you are ready to go. Fast easy to use as a bare hand and relatively inexpensive.

I have tried practicing with gloves but found it too clumsy to pull the pistol,remove the safety and shoot. I have a pair of fleece mitten/gloves..the kind that fold back halfway so the fingers are exposed. Feels better than the gloves but the half of the mitten left flopping in the breeze drives me nut!! I now feel best removing my right glove and drawing bare handed. Not for long though. Gets cold way up here.
USP45usp said:
I could just go with fanny pack I guess, never got the shoulder holster deal right . As for the gloves, that is something that I will have to either go without gloves, find a way to remove the right hand glove quickly, etc.. I haven't really thought about what actions to take and practice yet.
I dunno, the USP's trigger guard makes it pretty easy to draw and fire it with oven mitts if you so chose... :D
I have just started shooting with gloves on a regular basis

I found it to be clumsy at first...but now I hardly know they are there