pistol barrel accuracy or possibly relined?


New member
Hello all, I was wondering if there are methods to make a pistol barrel more accurate by some sort of machining. I have a 22 conversion kit which I like it's function, but not it's accuracy. Is there any way to make the barrel more accurate? If not, is it possible to bore out the current 22 bore, and have a high quality bore pressed in it's place? If this is possible, where could I find someone to do this type work.

I have a price limit of approx 250 dollars, because after that, I would just buy something else. The kit I am trying to modify is an Advantage Arms, 22 target kit for the 1911. The barrel is approx 5" long and the OD of the barrel is near .600. The kit is actually fairly well though out ( seems very similar to Bob Marvels design, and I think he was involved with AA at some point) but the accuracy is not "target" grade.

Any input would be great. Like I said, if I have to invest more that 250 to make this accurate, I would be better off just fining something more accurate to start with. Yes the project is part of the fun, which is why I haven't sold this and bought something else already.

Thank you for your thoughts

The first thought that comes to my mind... is the crown intact and undamaged? If you've got a damaged crown, that could contribute to some accuracy issues and could be a very feasible fix. Does the rifling still look OK when you hold it up? You can have a barrel bored and re-lined if conditions are right but I don't know if that's the first avenue I'd pursue in your case.
Hello, the crown ( not much of a crown in my opinion) is fine. This is a very lightly used kit that I bought new. The accuracy is not there after about 10 yards. I like to shoot 25 yards or so.

I did look at the crown, and it sort of ends flat. My other pistols have a more pronounced crown on them. The more I think about it, re-lining the barrel is probably a waste of money on this inexpensive kit.

Thank you for your input

Also, try different brands of ammo.

have the muzzle recrowned if you think it might help. Easier and cheaper than relining the bore, and might be all it needs.

What do you mean by the accuracy not being there? Is it simply a spread in holes or are you getting signs of keyholing (out-of-round holes in the paper)? If the latter, this can be an indicator of an actual problem with the bore. I had a friend with a Smith & Wesson model 41 that keyholed at 50 feet. Close inspection showed the rifling wasn't the same depth all around. The button had been pushed through off-center somehow. Found the same thing in a Dan Wesson barrel once. Unusual, but it happens.

Since you got the kit used, have you slugged the bore with a pulled soft lead .22 bullet so you can feel for a constriction. Another current thread is discussing a constriction that is likely just built-up lead fouling from shooting cheap ammo (though a bore defect can contribute to this, too). The cure in that case will be thorough, but not abusive, cleaning.

If you have the rifling problem, sending the kit back to the maker may be your best recourse. It could be relined, but I've never heard of a target gun being relined. I don't think relining can be expected to carries the same intrinsic accuracy as a new barrel does, just because of additional variables it introduces. I'm not saying it can't be good, but it makes it harder to get there.

Recrowning, done properly, as tightened groups on many a gun, even new ones. You can't always tell just by looking. You can clean up a crown yourself with some care.

I also don't know which conversion you have. The Advantage target conversion should have better native accuracy than the one where the whole slide profile moves, as the sights and barrel are both fixed in place on the target version and can't change relationship with respect to one another.
How is the fit of the kit to the frame? The real problem may not be the barrel itself, there are other issues that can contribute to poor accuracy. I had a Kimber conversion kit that I installed on a RIA frame, ran great with what was for me, acceptable accuracy.
I use a Colt conversion unit with the recoil enhancer on a GI frame. It's a real trainer, in that it amplifies mistakes. It's probably my toughest gun to shoot well. The good news is that it makes you a hell of a lot better when you shoot .45 cal.
I advise continuing to shoot it, and get a lesson or two if you can.
Without seeing it, I'm not sure why it won't do better. Now, as to what can be done, put an 11 degree crown on the muzzle.

sell it and go buy a Nelson conversion

Widely used by Bullseye competitors..

I use one and love it