Pillar or Glass Bedding?


New member
I'm not new to rifles, but I am new to modification/improvement techniques like pillar bedding and glass/steel bedding. I'm interested in bedding my 30 year old Remington 700 .308 (that sounds oddly sexual, doesn't it?) with one of the above methods, but I'm not sure what the advantages and disadvantages are of each. Is there anywhere to go on the web that explains these techniques? Brownell's says they include specific instructions with their bedding kits- is this all the instruction one needs? Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help.

semper ubi sub ubi
Thanks George! I think I'm a little too skittish to try pillar bedding. I'll have a go at the Acraglas and see how she comes out.

semper ubi sub ubi
I'm an absolute novice, yet I successfully pillar bedded my Remington 700. I also bedded it the normal way using Brownell's Steelbed. With the combination of the two bedding techniques this gun now shoots better than any gun I or any of my shooting friends has ever seen. It was not as difficult as I had imagined. BTW, I used the Brownell's adjustable pillar bedding kit to do the pillars.