Pig sign


New member
I heard the pigs this morning and found this:




The rubbings looked a few weeks old but is near a pile of acorns under a white oak. The height of the mud came up above my knee.
No feral hogs around here so the only "pig sign" I've seen lately is the "all you can eat buffet" at the Chinese restaurant. I tell you what, that sign attracts some lunkers.
Well you found a good feeding area. Now find the bedding area and you will be in good shape. Or find where they are wallowing in the mud during the heat of the day.
I'll check out the creeks on our property but I suspect they are using a retention pond on the neighboring property which I don't have permission to access. I can see what I think is a wallow looking at the neighbor's property from the line and the pig sounds sounded like they came from 1/4 mile or so inside the neighboring land.
Get ya a 55 gallon drum, or 5 gal buckets.. Fill halfway with corn, add some water, beer, and some yeast.

Let it sit a week or so. While waiting go to center of your property with some post hole diggers. Dig ya couple holes in different spots about 4 ft deep.
When the corn starts to stink take about half of it and pour it in the holes.
Take fresh corn and dump it in with the half of whats left in your buckets or drum.

The hogs will work those holes for weeks digging them out trying to get to the soured corn.

Dont dig the holes in a low spot that will flood or hold water if it rains.
Rmart, that's just not fair.

All is fair on hogs. Another tip is use Milo or feed wheat to bait them in instead of corn. Takes them twice as long to clean it up. Corn is very easy to pick up and doesnt last as long.
My uncle would 'catch rats' by putting a copper wire around the grain silo about 2" above the ground, then plugging it into the high side of a generator.

Wonder if that, with some corn scattered around, would work with the pigs?
We had a nice size hog sitting in the yard a few months ago. I swear it was tame, it just sat there while I drove up the drive. Almost felt bad taking care of it..... almost.