Pig knives


New member
What are you guys using for knives when pig hunting with dogs? Looking into opening my experiences and doing this soon. I'm hand gun hunting them this season and want to go with dogs next season.

Thanks all.
From what I understand a long blade is ideal. I dont have a lot of experience here so you may want to wait for others. My son has a "deer knife" that has a blade about 14-16 inches long and a stage grip. I have often thought it would work good for such a task.
Not a Custom made Excaliber...

, but the M1 Garand bayonet (10"blade) oughta be long enough to stick into the pump of any feral pig.

As an added bonus, it'l fit on the end of a 30.06 rifle.

Make use of the DCM while we still can.

get a cheap bayonett and sharpen it

I got a couple of different ones, doesn't attach to my rifles mind you just that they are sturdy and sharp on both sides

I get to knife a pig here or there even thou we don't pitbull hunt but my dog will often grab wounded animals including pigs and my dads dog will catch smaller pigs himself given the chance, not safe to shot in those circumstances

I also help the cops track animals involved in traffic collisions so sometimes the situation won't allow rifles safely, taking the knife to a moose with a broken back wasn't fun:(:o:D
I got a hog knife, it is long like 30 in has a curved blade is very sharp. I slit the throat, then slide it down to the heart going thru the slit I made. Hog bleeds out fast that way. Usually a dog on the hog holding it steady..
Ka-Bar? Not sure how well it'll work on pigs but I'd think the blade would be right in the middle of too much and not enough, short enough to be handy but long enough to do the job.
I have read threads and seen pictures of guys who hunt hogs and kill them with their knives. From the images any good Bowie style knife would work. From one thread, the hunter mentioned who happy he was with the lethality of his Cold Steel Trailmaster. I have a Trailmaster and it has a long and thick blade.
I got a hog knife, it is long like 30 in has a curved blade is very sharp. I slit the throat, then slide it down to the heart going thru the slit I made. Hog bleeds out fast that way. Usually a dog on the hog holding it steady.

you feel comfortable with your hands close to the mouth/tusk?

I go into the hart from the "armpit" on pigs

some animals I go for the neck

small dear I cut the throat
you feel comfortable with your hands close to the mouth/tusk?

I use leather gloves, grab teh snout and pull up, mouth opens and the knife slids down teh throat to the heart.Packing house method and knife used in actual packing house hog slaughter outfit. Used to work at teh pig palace, I have seen some hogs in my days. I used to kill and smoke one a week for people, they got a smoked hog and 2/3 keg of beer for 500.00

I kiiled hogs large enough for me to ride on their backs, by hand, no guns allowed in packing house.

Wade into a pen holds 200 full grown hogs :) they will eat you if given the chance. Used to raise thousands at a time in teh confinement.
Well without knowing it my mom bought a knife for me for Christmas. Seems pretty high grade, I will play around with it before taking it on a trip but choked when I saw the price on it. I'll also be doing a bit of research on it too, but thought I'd post a pic.

Damascus steel sure looks pretty, that blade has an amazing number of cutting options. Given an electric power cord, could it double as an “Saws All”. ? :D

Please tell us how it works as a pig knife.
Like those big knives !!

Now that is one handsome blade. Where did you find this one ??? .... :eek:
My big go-to, is a Puma White-Hunter ... :)

Be Safe !!!