Pig Hunting

colt 3840

Howdy Board! I have a Question regarding what to use on an upcoming Pig hunt. I can use either a .44 mag rifle or a 7.62x39 bolt action rifle. Which one would you use and why? and what recommended loads.

Colt man, My vote goes for the 44 Mag. Rifle. If the shots are within 100yds. or less. Loaded with a nice gas checked, hard cast flat face hunk-o-lead. An LBT design comes to mind. I've loaded a 280 gr. LBT with 22.5 grs. of WW296(Worked up to carefully) for a real smasher load. Used on deer out of a pistol, complete penetration, golf ball exit wound.

The LBT designs leave more powder space in the case due to the design.

Just my humble opinion.

Happy Hunting

What kind of pig hunt is this (spot & stalk, dogs, horseback, muleback)? I would tend to go with the .44 on bullet weight alone. However, pigs are unpredictable and very tough as the following story illustrates. Three weeks ago, a friend of mine was charged by a rather large boar after putting a 250 grain X-bullet in the pig from his .338 Win Mag. at 60 yards. The boar ran off after the shot (behind the left third rib, through the left lung and through the right shoulder), got uphill and charged the downhill hunter. This was a rather brushy area and my friend could not get a shot off (long story omitted). This 300-pound boar was very unhappy and was bent on revenge with his 3-inch tusks (above the gum). Not being able to shoot, my friend used his rifle to redirect the boar's downhill momentum by stuffing his muzzle in the boar’s left ear and moving the boar just enough to avoid the tusks. The boar passed, another shot was fired from the .338 and the boar went down for good about 80 yards downhill. Moral of this story: Use Enough Gun, and sometimes when you do pigs are still incredibly tough!

Regards and good hunting,

Only when a sufficient number of dogs have the pig at bay. :)

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited 02-01-99).]
Mr. Mendocino, Sir,
There just ain't 'nuff dogs in the WORLD for this ole fat man to tackle a tusker with a pig sticker. Nope. No, sir. No way!
I'll keep the libations on ice and back ya up with a shotgun.
Well, truthfully, I've heard of this from time to time and never had the opportunity to watch it first hand. Thirty years ago I'd probably have tried it myself (with a little appropriate coaching).

Nowadays, however, I have too many reminders of my mortality. (chuckle, yeah, lost my nerve).
Truth be told, there was only one dog distracting the boars I stabbed. it was a mean pit bull that didn't mind hanging onto the pig's face while I "snuck -up" on it from behind and flipped it.

Several hounds were used to bay the boar at first, but they are all called off, then the "catch dog" was thrown in before the stab.

I think a 12 gauge slug gun would be about ideal. Short and handy, STOP! ing power, etc. Of the 2 you mention, I would choose .44 because of the much greater variety of premium, deeply-penetrating loads available.
It's late for this thread,but the revolver has my vote.You are likely to walk a ton(any tall mountains?rest assured the pigs will go where no man has gone before !),so go with something light.I have killed them with 45 colts,41 mag and 357 mag.Have fun!! ga41
As far as handguns are concerned, I have a S&W 629 Classic Hunter in .44 Mag. that does a very nice job on the pigs. In the unlikely event that I nedd more than six rounds to kill the pig, I can always club it with the rather stout 626. :D
My wife dropped one (180-200 lbs) in its tracks with a 10mm Hydra-shok. The round clogged and never expanded, but it went right through the heart and lodged in the far side rib cage.
Went out pig hunting with two regulars today. One was using a black powder rifle. The other a Dan Wesson .44 mag pistol.

I am told that the best place to hit them with the pistol is just behind the ear. Alternative on the quartering shot is just aft of the front leg "elbow". It was explained that the shoulder and chest shield are extremely tough and liable to result in a long track.
We hunt hogs jump and shoot style. I shot a decent sized one last time out-in the 200 lb class with my .243, not enough gun and we lost him. I would go with the 44 if the range will not be over 150 yds. You will need the deep penetration to stop them.