Pietta 1851 Navy thoughts


New member
Finally shot my 1851 Navy today and between it and my 1858 Pietta... I'm gonna stick with the '58. The New Model Army just feels better in the hand for me, it doesn't jam up like the Navy does, it has never misfired on me like the Navy did several times today, it shoots better, it has better sights, it's faster to reload and easier to reload. It is just a superior design and firearm.

I'm glad I bought and tried the '51 Navy because I got it new for $80 and I wanted to try a Colt style cap and ball revolver and had been thinking about getting the 1862 Pocket Police, but I thought better about it and got the less expensive 1851 and said to myself that "if I liked it, I'll get the '62."

Well, I didn't like it and it will be my last open top cap and ball revolver I ever buy.
Maybe you should try filing the hammer face as Mike Beliveau suggests. Or go the cap rake route. These options should keep spent caps from pulling off and getting jammed. Doubt it would fix cap jams 100% but I'd think it well worth it and stop most.
Cap jams aside, I just didn't enjoy shooting the gun.

I tried to load some conicals and there's so little space between the ramrod and such that I couldn't get the into the cylinder unless I took the cylinder out and loaded them off the gun.

I don't like being forced to load a c&b off the gun unless the gun is like a Wells Fargo pocket model or has a barrel so short it doesn't have an effective way to load it.

But a 7.5 inch barrel should be loaded on the gun and the 1851 can't do it.
So, a Pietta made 1858 NMA compared to a. . . . . '51 Navy by whoever, won your allegiance. Nice , but that's kinda like saying the BMW drove better than the red car. Lol!
The open top revolvers are a different design and a stronger design. They are also a more difficult design to replicate CORRECTLY. Being able to compare copies made correctly would be a more fair test but such as it is, you did your comparison and made up your mind. That's totally fine and I'm sure many (most) have done the same test unwittingly.
Had you had a nice copy of the Navy, you may have found (as most all eventually do) that it will run much longer than a Remington copy. As far as "jams" and misfires are concerned, loading technique, supplies used (caps for the Remy may not fit the Navy correctly) a lot of variables there. Also, too much cylinder movement on the Navy may have allowed the capped nipples to move "out of range" (which gets back to correct copies).

I like both designs and own both but I like open tops better, but then it's my job to make them all run the best they can. Maybe I understand both a little better than most but it really mostly comes down personal preference/what you "identify" with.

They can all be made to be to be amazingly accurate (mechanically) with perfect function. So, take your pick and have fun!!

Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
My Pietta NMA had to be modified to use conicals. I'm surprised you've found something it can load stock other than a ball.

My NMA runs flawlessly when I use Rem #10 caps and oil the base pin with Ballistol.

I don't own a Colt copy yet but will. I'm not sure about a '51 Navy, though I feel I should just because so many people speak of the way they handle and point. A '62 Police and a Walker are what I feel I need though.

Were it me I'd try working with that pistol but it's yours and it sounds as though you've come to a conclusion. Getting your money back would make someone happy getting a good deal.
I have both. I like the 1851 so much I haven't shot a Remington in years. To me the Colt feels better, points better and is more accurate than most of my Remingtons. I don't have all the cap jams everybody else complains about. I had just as many with Remingtons which wasn't many.
I also have the Pietta 1851 Navy,but haven't had the chance to go to the range with it yet.

On a positive note for the OP, I gave three times as much for my 1851 Navy.
I also have the Pietta 1851 Navy,but haven't had the chance to go to the range with it yet.

On a positive note for the OP, I gave three times as much for my 1851 Navy.
Yeah, I waited until Cabela's had a sale on them and was offering free shipping. I also used a $100 gift card. Figured saving money on a new to me and possibly disappointing gun was the better idea.

Oh, and when I got it, the loading lever latch was loose and couldn't be fixed, so I had to drive 45 minutes to exchange it for another model.
Just took my Uberti London Navy to the range yesterday, first shot a bull's eye. I most often shoot my Pietta '51 and keep the London for "dress". My '58 NMA just doesn't feel as good as a Colt, it only gets out when I want to shoot something "uncomfortable"
All of my Colt single actions, cartridge guns included. are set up the way 45 Dragoon sets them up. When done right nothing can better a '51, maybe my .45 2nd gen SAA .
1851 is pretty good. I prefer 1860 myself, but that's just personal preference.
I have my 1858 actually in a box in the living room right now awaiting shipment to the new owner. 'Sold that one this week. Gonna stick with the Colts.:)
The larger grip frame and round trigger guard fit better than a'58 Remington. I have two Cimmaron 1872 that seem to be on a navy frame with an army style grip frame and trigger guard in .44Colt, and a Turnbull Richards conversion in .38 spl that handle well enough and shoot well too. .36 cal I must be over charging or something, but they always seem to shoot too high to compensate for.
Dunno about the 72 grip but it uses a navy frame. The 73 uses a navy grip. Most newer Remington .44's have much taller sights than the originals and early repros which were sighted in at 75 yards. My navy Colt shoots a little high at 20-25 yards but not a lot. I know everybody is sick of seeing this pic but I seldom shoot paper.

I had a 1851 Navy (brass frame )and shot it so much it was literally worn out. I replaced it with a 1862 Pocket Police (Pietta) , totally different feel and handling than the 1851, I like it ! Very compact , carries easily , looks good and shoots accurately.

As for extended shooting the solid frame 1858 Remington is going to win that contest.
But the gun is big with that 8 inch barrel.