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pictures in posts

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psycho nut

New member
I think that it would be neat to have pictures in the posts under the name of the poster.

psycho nut
Senior Member
Join Date: 06-03-2005
Location: Norfolk, Nebraska
Posts: 190

Some other places have them and I think it could give the poster a little more individuallity (sp?) Then again it might not work on Vbulletin. Just a thought.:)
It would work fine on vBulletin. The staff chooses not to allow avatars. Cute pictures add nothing to, and may even detract from, the substance of our mission. Remember, it's more signal, less noise.

Isn't the bunny enough? :rolleyes:
Let's assume that this ASCII lagomorph will eventually became a part of every single post on TFL. Won't that be a glorious day for the RKBA! :rolleyes: :barf:

And now Wayne says I've lost my humanity because I don't prefer noise to signal. <sarcasm>That's two compliments you've given me this month, Wayne. Thanks a lot. Really looking forward to 2006.</sarcasm>

I'm not staff, but I'm still against avatars.

First, they just increase the time it takes to view the threads because its more meaningless nonsense to load, this is exceptionally annoying for the people on dial up (I wish that more people would use the image attachments instead of just posting 500k pictures inline, as well, but I am a whiner.

Second, they put more load on the server, which is, admittedly likely not much until you think about the bandwidth costs involved. Alot of people read this board, and load and reload the threads. Having to send 15k 10,000 times a day, 30 days a month adds up to increased bandwidth charges.

Third, and finally, as Bluesman pointed out, they're usually annoying. They're almost always inane, often border on offensive, and rapidly decline into a constant array of cute animated .gifs that offers up nothing but the ability for someone to showboat a little in a way that's completely pointless, if you wanna stand out come across as intelligent, reasonable, and literate.
I've edited my post as well as signature. Didn't mean to offend anyone, I thought it was cute and didn't realize that signatures were more noise and was a determent to the board.

I apologize for any offense or for any harm that I have done because of using the signature option upon the board.


*and no, it's not sarcasm, it's a felt apology, I just didn't realize how others felt and I don't wish to offend anyone or to take away from the board.
What's the harm on a sing or word ? Maybe some people needs to analize that.
A word or sign is just that (word,sign) it depends of who looks or reads them and how interpreted.
Example (please this is just an example):
A prissy mom telling their child not to watch TV because the seen shows a shooting and is bad for the child. Is this truly bad for the child to see this ? It all depends on the kind of person that is watching, right?

When the President WB made the famous sign with his finger :D I bet many people thought it was cute but if I was caught doing the same in public I could end up being arrested, correct?
To me it was just a finger sign and nothing more, everyone does it anyways at one point or another. Just a natural reaction.
Why the need to be so hostile? Your remind me of a dog that attacks other dogs just because he's invading your territory.

Wake up call man. Your just a moderator. Although you moderate here to keep things under control it doesnt mean you have to control everything in a communist fashion.
Not quite fair on your part there, Andrew, when you come in on a conversation a few days after the action and only see one side of the conversation. I don't see how you can draw any valid conclusion from only half of the evidence.

Even so, I don't see how you can draw the conclusion you did from the half of the conversation you were privy to.
Mal H,
I saw more then whats here. Just didnt post until later today. I always see both sides of the stories before passing judgment. If you'd like to talk further please PM me.

Since the thread now is directed more at myself than at the one that started it.

I forgot the :p when I posted the original post that I've edited. But I will say that I took the response from TBM wrongly. Bunny is/was just a fun thing to do and his response to psycho nut was, well, a double standard. If I were to have made such a response, I would be called on it for basically belittling a member for his or her choice of a signature. And just because it was catching on, that somehow it was stupid and only those that are stupid would have put that into their signature.

Maybe Dave was having a bad day, maybe he really hates that Bunny, I don't know, but the response upon a simple request was abet extreme IMHO.

He could have just said, "We don't use aviators on the board because we find them too distracting to the key issue of The Firing Line which is to promote self, responsible, gun ownership and provide a place where those that have the same hobby can get together and socialize". Not that anyone who wishes to have such things are basically stupid and are morons for basically asking if we could use an aviator.

I'm going to write this one off as Dave was/is having a bad day. Frustrated with everything, life isn't going as expected, etc..

But I am willing to bet that if I would have made that post, with the same "tone" as it was made, that you and other Staff would have PM'd me about it.

It may only be perception, but that's all it takes for one to be hurt or offended by another. We're told not to do so, why can others do so and get away with it?

As for 2006, as long as I am allowed, I will continue to speak my mind, minding the forum rules, using the back space (think twice, post once) and I hope that I can be allowed to continue the great debates and conversations that this board offers.

I have no idea why some of the Staff seem to have it out for myself, as well as others, and I don't really want to know. I've been on the boards for over ten years now and have most likely gained many friends whom I haven't had the pleasure, as well as many enemies. That is life. We cannot please everyone all the time, and there will always be personality conflicts no matter where you go. All I can do is be myself, respond from the heart and from the brain, and try to back up what I post or to acknowledge when I am wrong. That's all I can do and all I wish to do.

As long as I'm allowed to be a member, I will do my best to help when I can, contribute when I am able, and to be Wayne and do it in the style that I have always done. I can't change my style of thought or the way I present myself, and if it is one that is not welcomed, then please, tell me.

The only reason that I responded to this thread is the fact that I thought it was condescending to psycho nut. If that was wrong, then please PM me and I will then make up my own mind. But that was only my humble opinion and what I read. I may well be wrong in my assessment, I am only human and I make mistakes.

My gosh! You guys sure did read a lot more into TBM's post (#2) than I did!

And you're 100% correct, Wayne. This has become a lot more about TBM and you and me and Andrew than it was ever intended. In fact it was never intended to be that. The question was asked, answered truthfully and without much sarcasm (ok, it ended with a wee bit, but that's all. I would have classified it in the "humorous" category, but then again, I'm not always "with it".) and then the veering began - in earnest.

Wayne said:
But I am willing to bet that if I would have made that post, with the same "tone" as it was made, that you and other Staff would have PM'd me about it.
It's impossible to say for sure at this point, but I would have been willing to bet almost any amount of money you named that your assertion was wrong. I seriously doubt that any moderator would have chastised you, publicly or privately for saying the same 4 word sentence TBM said, including the emoticon. If you had stated the first part of his post, I might have PM'ed you thanking you for helping out.

Normally, I would lock this thread at this point, or earlier, but in fairness, I don't feel I should.

On further reflection, I have to say I would have felt the same way if post #2 was made by any member, not just by TBM or any other moderator.
Avitars (sp?) ar (sp?) 80% bad, 15% okay, and 5% good (sp?). (arbitrary numburs (sp?), but the point remanes (sp?))

Doez (sp?) that maik (sp?) them wirth (sp?) it? I donut (sp?) think so.
Hmmm, I just noticed that when I click on the smilies they aren't working :(. They will if I hand type them in. This one was supposed to have a :p behind it also.



*edited because the smilies didn't work :(. Hand typing them in now on edit.
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Wow... No wonder my ears have been burnin' all day. :D Let's see if I can play catch up and try to address all the concerns that have been noted here.

Regarding post #2 - No apologies for a single word.

Regarding post #4 (This is mainly for you, Andrew) - Yeah, I could have replied in a nicer way. I wouldn't classify my words as hostile, but if you do, that's fair. Wayne's missing post concluded that I lost my humanity because I didn't think that the figure of a rabbit in a signature line supported the RKBA. Those bolded words mean something to me. My response was terse, but certainly not communistic. :rolleyes: :barf:

Wayne - A :p emoticon in your post would have garnered a completely different response. Remember, "words mean things", and voice inflections and body language don't come through too well over the 'net. I don't care about the ASCII lagomorph any more or less than any other signature. But it was there in a post by a person asking for more "noise" to be added to TFL's signal; so I took a shot at it. I guess I hit the mark.

GFEN summed it up better than I could and nobody seemed to take offense: If you want to stand out from the crowd, come across as intelligent, reasonable and literate.

Feel free to email or PM if you'd like to discuss this further. I'd hate to continue the veering of this thread which was pretty much done after post #2.


If you want to stand out from the crowd, come across as intelligent, reasonable and literate.

Yeah, but I think the clutch up there (the brain, mine) is slipping :(.

Sorry, I guess I just read into it wrongly (the reply) and if the thread needs to be closed, that's fine. The question was answered and Bunny is okay but no pictures are needed under your name. (and it's fun on some boards but this isn't just some other board).

Now, lets go and talk about the Denny's experience I had this morning :D.

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