Pics of a restored classic

David Blinder

New member
For you wheel gunners, here is a picture of a S&W model 10-6 that I had restored. We converted it from a square butt to round, did an action job (like butter now), radiused the trigger, sent it for a factory blue job and added Kim Ahrends cocobolo grips. Not bad for a 30 year old has-been of a gun, huh?

Nice job. However; I resemble the remark about 30 year old has-been. One of my daily use guns is a first run 36 and the creme of my crop is a 19-3. Have later but not better.

All relative I guess. I have been breathin in eight decades and don't consider a GOOD gun to be old if it is only fifty or so.

Sam....surrounded by darn snapperwhippers.
Thanks for your kind words, guys. I got the Ahrends grips from . It's run by Don Williams of the Action Works and you can see pictures and pick the actual set you are buying. IMO, they are comparable to Spegel's but you don't have to wait 6-12 months for them.
Spegel grips backlog

Where did you hear that Spegel was backlogged 6-12 months????
Two weeks ago I ordered 5 sets of his Boot Grips for K/L frame revolvers (called him up on his phone), and he is bringing them to the next gunshow in Puyallup in 2 weeks.....
I have NEVER heard that he has had anything other than a few weeks backlog.
In any event, there is another alternative for good quality grips, Eagle makes several styles. Try:
I have tried literally dozens of grip styles/manufacturers over the years and have come to like the Eagles for most carry duty, EXCEPT for large bore snubbies (3" M629), where the Spegel grips are unsurpassed for comfort and recoil control. They are definately worth the cost and wait for high powered carry guns.
Smithnut, I called Craig and he told me it would be at least 6 months for them but I don't feel like that bad becasue the Ahrends are pretty dang close in quality.

Ellsworthtoohey, that one will reside in an Alessi DOJ.