Picked up some "WinClean" lead-free .45 ammo today

Futo Inu

New member
I like the idea of not breathing (as much) lead, esp. at the indoor range. I'll think I even may carry with these. These are jacketed flat nose, but don't appear to be fully jacketed - the flat nose is just bare lead, which makes me think these will expand better than ball but feed almost as well - good enough for carry if placement is good. I understand the flash holes are much bigger, because the non-lead primer doesn't flash as much. Question: has this ammo been tested/proven as completely reliable?
I've been thru about a 300 rounds of the WinClean in my Sig P239 .40S&W. No problems with it as far as reliability or accuracy.

I like the stuff.
Akkkkkk! I've shot a fair amount of this stuff in my Mod.10 S&W .38 with no problems, but had terrible luck with it in .45; half way through my first box my Kimber started acting up for the first time ever; Stripped the gun, found a yellow granular muck all through the gun; down the mag well, in the barrel, everywhere. This junk pretty well jammed the gun, and I'd never, ever try it again in .45, and will keep a close eye out in the .38, too.

I'd advise against using this stuff for your carry ammo; if you have to use the gun, you want it to go bang, and you will have plenty to worry about other than lead exposure!


Madstone Press
Gun-friendly Web development for small businesses.
This is not intended to be carry ammo at all...

Use it at the range cuz its cheap and 'healthier'. Thats the extent of it though.
Moss, I don't know about YOU, but My Kimber Ultra Elite was perfect with 100rds of win Clean. On the other hand my SWEET G30 had five misfires out of 50rd box (THE STRIKING PIN DID NOT HIT THE PRIMER HARD ENOUGH, TWICE). So I put the five misfiered rds through my Kimber, and what you know !, they fired dead on bulls eye. Anyway, win clean is one few practice rds that I would put through my guns besides Win USA and Blazer 230 TMJ clean. As far as cleanig the guns, well, Win USA leaves all that red CRAP all over your gun plus a dirty barrel. On the other hand Win clean leave your barrel clean!
And Moss I did not see any yellow granuals on my kimber. Did you check using the samebox of ammo with a different .45 gun !