Picked up an Enfield today, couple questions.


New member
I picked up an Enfield toady, 4 mk1. It's been sporterized so I may look into getting original stocks and converting it back to original. The thing I'm curious about is, being new to Enfields, is that the magazine only holds 7 rounds. Is that something they did for the civilian market? With it having been sporterized is it going to be possible for me to get original stocks and bring it back to original? Thanks for any info.
I picked up an Enfield toady, 4 mk1. It's been sporterized so I may look into getting original stocks and converting it back to original. The thing I'm curious about is, being new to Enfields, is that the magazine only holds 7 rounds. Is that something they did for the civilian market? With it having been sporterized is it going to be possible for me to get original stocks and bring it back to original? Thanks for any info.
I am new to enfields but I have never heard of a 7 round mag. to my knowledge both the no1 and no4/5 rifles used 10 round mags(though slightly different designs). is it possible that you picked up one of the rarer ones that is chambered in 7.62x51?
what are the markings on the reciever?
BMP is usually stamped at the front of the reciever on british models, canadians are stamped longbranch, savage arms are marked US PROPERTY. I'm not sure about the ishapores or the ausies. are the markings neat and ledgible or do they look like they were scratched on with a diaper pin?
if your rifle bears any of the aforementioned markings then it is not a 308 chambered rifle and is more than likely using a cheap aftermarket mag and from all accounts there never did seem to be a decent aftermarket mag produced for the enfield.
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The No4 MkI has a ten round magazine. The intent is the magazine remains in the rifle and the rifle is loaded with stripper clips. Some times you well see a sporter No4 with a five round magazine made to meet game laws. Aftermarket LE mags are basicly junk. The only successful aftermarket mag is the five rounder made by Golden State Arms, from the 1960's these are very well made and marked "Made in Japan".

The No1 and No4 mags get swapped around some times. While they well fit either rifle, the wrong mag well cause feeding problems. Easy to tell the difference.

The No4 mag the two stamped ribs stop short of the bottom of the mag and on the No1 it goes all the way to the bottom.

Before starting a restoration check head space, be sure it's a matched rifle as it is spendy to restore these. It may be cheaper to sell this one and buy another in correct condition.