Picked up a new(to me) and unfamiliar 1860


New member
So I opted to fish all day Saturday, and went to the Croy Creek traders fair today in light of going Saturday morning. Came across a table with two pistols. A beat up CVA '58 brasser and a 1860 Army. After a little "shooting of the bull" and some wheel'n an deal'n....I walked off with the open top $150 less from my pocket.

What I do know.
Its a steel, 4 screw frame .44 in reasonably good, very clean condition and seems timed well. It has a double struck rollmark on the right side of the barrel that says BLACK POWDER ONLY .44 cal. And other than 3 proofs on the frame...the bottom, top and right side is void of any other markings. It has a '72 open top style rear sight (that I'm assuming) someone made and mounted (and didn't do too shabby of a job on) The hammer face has been ground flat, I'm guessing so it wont drag caps off. It feels DARN good in my hand, cocking the piece is crisp and easy. Lock up is tight rotation wise. The barrel and retaining wedge are TIGHT. The barrel to frame fit is ROCK solid.

What I don't know.

Who made it and when. the left side has only a single mark, RAG.
Is it a good quality piece.
Is it safe to shoot as there is a slight bit of play back and forth with the cylinder even when cocked. you could maybe squeeze a thin stock business card between the cylinder face and the forcing cone.

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RAG is Rigarmi or rather was, they went under in the mid 70's. It should have the RAG logo on the butt also. They were pretty good guns.
Sounds safe to me. A small amount of cylinder end play is indeed normal. The gap between the face of the cylinder and the forcing cone is also normal; I prefer about .006", even up to .010" or as little as .003".
I agree with .006" being perfect, but I shot my ol' favorite one up 'til I was getting too many sparks out the side for fun, at .017" :D
Good to know sirs. Many thanks.

Feels good to have a Blue Belly Army colt back in my hand. While I LOVE my navys....the army just seems a better fit, more to hang on to while ya gallop :D
Probably ground the hammer face so you could see the "new" rear sight.
Gap is ok at about .003 or so. I put mine at .002-.003. Bigger the gap, the faster it'll bind the cyl.
Shoot it and don't worry about it. Colt's run longer than Remingtons and a gap of .006-.008 is considered normal with .012 not being unheard of.
Pretty certain that RAG stood for Rigarmi, one of the lesser known reproduction firms.

Yours looks like it was customized by someone who knew what they were doing and should be a joy to shoot. Have fun!
So I opted to fish all day Saturday, and went to the Croy Creek traders fair today in light of going Saturday morning. Came across a table with two pistols. A beat up CVA '58 brasser and a 1860 Army. After a little "shooting of the bull" and some wheel'n an deal'n....I walked off with the open top $150 less from my pocket.

What I do know.
Its a steel, 4 screw frame .44 in reasonably good, very clean condition and seems timed well. It has a double struck rollmark on the right side of the barrel that says BLACK POWDER ONLY .44 cal. And other than 3 proofs on the frame...the bottom, top and right side is void of any other markings. It has a '72 open top style rear sight (that I'm assuming) someone made and mounted (and didn't do too shabby of a job on) The hammer face has been ground flat, I'm guessing so it wont drag caps off. It feels DARN good in my hand, cocking the piece is crisp and easy. Lock up is tight rotation wise. The barrel and retaining wedge are TIGHT. The barrel to frame fit is ROCK solid.

One thing else that you might lilke to know is, is that your 1860 Army revolver will allow a shoulder stock to be attached to it.

I really like the shoulder stocks that I use on my Uberti 1860's.

without trying to sidetrack the thread too much... ( nice gun BTW... would think you did right by the price )... can anyone tell me about the rear sight ??? 1st I've seen one like that... all mine just have the have the hammer "V"

I see the V notch is still on the hammer... do you use all 3 or ???

The rear sight was added by the previous owner, loosely in the same idea as the rear sight on a '72 open top conversion that was part of the barrel. I may end up grinding the raised edges of the sight and polishing them to blend in with the contour of the barrel....and then blue it to match. The notch in the hammer is no longer usable because it has been ground off so the new sight may be aimed with.

Oooorrr. I may leave it alone, so as it looks like a poor 'ol boy like me added Sam Colt's new pistol feature... cuz I ain't got the coin fer one of them fancy new Mai-talli-c cartridge shoot'n pistols. ;):rolleyes:

It's still kinda up in the air.

I saw that I soon as I picked it up at the swap meet. I've always wanted one, can't believe I lucked across it out there...that would be the joy and wonder of croy creek, Mountains of crapola with a few gems hidden here and there.

Where would I pick a stock up for one?
I actually got to shoot it a little today. Who ever put that sight on it really......knew what the heck they were doing. :D Windage is spot on, shoots 3 " high at 15 yards and DEAD on POA at 25.

I will sheepishly admit. I went to the range this morning mainly to try out one of them new autter-o-matic pistolas I had picked up. And in my haste I forgot my powder measure and flask. With no spent 38 specials in sight I made do with a .45 acp.

I'm guessing around 22-25grs. of Pyro FFF under a lubed bore button, #10 cci caps and .454 LRBs (need to use a bigger ball with this pistol. Just BARELY shaves 2/3rds of a ring from the ball and half of the time the rammer pulled the ball back up after seating.) Greased the chambers with trappers mink tallow out of paranoia because of that :p

here was the first five at the 15 yard mark on a 6"x10" dirty bird: (the little ones be the new 22/45 pack-lite;))